How many followers on Instagram would Michael Jackson have if he was alive?

Do you know that Michael Jackson was the most famous person to have ever lived on the planet, which he still is even after 12yrs of his death. He has more than 5 billion fans all over the world out of a total around 7.8 billion population of humans on the planet earth.

His funeral was also the most watched funeral ever which also attracted billions of his fans. It’s been more than a decade since he passed away, still he is extremely famous and in demand. Also, no one has overtaken him till today in importance and fame. He also cannot be overtaken in the future as well considering his name, talent and abilities. His contributions for a better mankind especially for kids are not small. He donated hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to charity and for this major reason he is also recognized as the purest soul to have ever lived as well. You may not believe that millions of people believe him as the 2nd Or 3rd best person of a human life after God or in some cases parents also. Majority say the tagline that he is the 2nd best person ever after God Jesus and I’m seriously not lying and it also sounds like a universal truth now. Talking about his Instagram followers projection, if he was still alive he must have 500 million at the very least and 800M to even more than a billion at max. (Even 2–5 billion would have been possible for him till 2030). But let’s talk about relevant things here as the aforementioned is not possible now unfortunately and it makes me very sad just like all other fans.

Today Michael Jackson social media accounts are managed by some of his appointed teams maybe (username is michaeljackson). Also, all of his songs and albums were released on YouTube after his demise. So just think, there must be billions of people who already have heard to his music in the past 10–30 years before his death when there wasn’t anything called YouTube. And till 2000, all his fans must have heared all his top selling music albums multiple times. Still when they released in 2009, 10, 11….. on YouTube after his death, his videos rose to fame quickly and those multiple times (maybe more than 100 times) watched videos got views in hundreds of millions with the highest (1.1 billion as of today) being on Billie Jean I think followed by Beat it, they don’t care about us, thriller, etc.

All this information afterall depicts that his music and name still remain intact and his legacy will continue to live forever. In 2022 also, he gets 100s of millions of views, likes and comments from fans. Also, he is the most searched person on the google wikipedia till now even he doesn’t exist anymore. At the time of his death, the Google search engine was also crashed which was also the first ever time on Google. In addition to it, till now (2021), Michael Jackson is still the continuous highest earning dead celebrity since 2009 (time of his death) according to forbes.

His social media accounts namely Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc have 6.7M, 65M, 24M and 2.3M followers/subs. respectively and he may not have ever used them or even knew about them. For people blaming him for using bleaches and plastic surgeries on his face. Here’s the actual official reason – first he was proud to be a black american as he said many times himself in the interviews but on the other side he has a skin disorder called vitilgo which destroys the pigmentation of the skin leading to blotches of your original skin color shading away with the addition of bright white color and that is unable to control. So he used great makeups to cover all that patches over his skin. Also he might have used some medicines or treatment maybe to completely get rid of the original dead skin. He got injured many times during his performances as well as rehearsels for his projected concert. Once his hair caught fire and once he fell from the stage so badly. And I’ve a lot of other information to share as well but i think this much would be enough for your query. The world needs love and he wanted to and gave as much as he can throughout his entire life.