Mysterious: Man Marries Woman That Looked Exactly Like Painting He Had Made, Their Resemblance Surprises Many

A man has found love in the most uncommon manner possible – The talented artist had made an imaginative painting of a girl and got married to a lady that looked like the artwork – The striking resemblance between the lady and the artwork has generated massive reactions on social media

A painter’s talent has helped connect him to the love of his life. According to the story shared by Emrah B on Linkedln, the creative artiste did a beautiful painting of a girl he imagined.

Upon making this unusual discovery, he was said to have married the lady. Sharing a photo of the couple backing the ‘mysterious’ artwork, Emrah B wrote: “He painted a girl inspired by his imagination, and when he met her likeness, he married her.” Social media users were blown away by the story with some wondering if the same scenario could play out for them.

Muhammad Amin enquired: “Can i do this?

Are you sure that after painting a girl’s picture I can get my dream ? How many times i can do this ?”

Subham Ray Singh thought: “What would have happen if that girl whom he has painted already a married one??

Asking out of curosity.” Scott Nottmeier said: “You put it in the universe and the universe responded. The Butterfly Effect. You put a ripple in the pond of consciousness and unconsciousness, as well as, everything visible and invisible. You believed and the atoms collided so here you are ! The Recipe for Love ! I need to start painting ! LOL”=