Scarlett Johansson refutes claims that she was deemed ‘too physically attractive’ for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

But what other major movies could we have seen her in?

Scarlett Johansson has denied that she was deemed ‘too beautiful’ for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

The rumour went around when David Fincher was casting his US remake of Stieg Larsson’s bestselling novel, with the role of Lisbeth Salander eventually going to Rooney Mara, who scooped an Oscar nomination for it.

But it’s not the case that ScarJo was dismissed by Fincher because of her looks.

Daniel Boczarski//Getty Images

“That’s not exactly how it went,” she told Howard Stern, recalling that the director told her she would have to be “totally uncaring” of herself in order to play Lisbeth.

“I said, ‘I will, I can be that person’ and he was like, ‘No you can’t’. I really, really wanted that film because I felt I had something to contribute to it and I think Fincher just had a different vision for that character and Rooney Mara is, honestly, so perfect in it.”

Sony Pictures

Dragon Tattoo isn’t the only movie that Scarlett has missed out on over the years, as she confirmed that she did audition for Kirsten Dunst’s Jumanji role.

“That is true, yeah. I wasn’t bitter enough then. Now, I’m bitter,” she joked.

And she could have even been Lindsay Lohan in The Parent Trap, admitting: “I was too old for that movie when I auditioned for it. Maybe when it came out I was also too old to watch it.”

Last but not least, we might have even seen a musical side of Scarlett in Les Misérables as Fantine, only for a bout of laryngitis to affect her chances, even though she doesn’t know if that’s exactly why she didn’t get it.

One role she did get, although not without its share of controversy, was Major in the upcoming reboot of Ghost in the Shell, which hits UK cinemas on Thursday (March 30) and US cinemas the following day.


Last but not least, we might have even seen a musical side of Scarlett in Les Misérables as Fantine, only for a bout of laryngitis to affect her chances, even though she doesn’t know if that’s exactly why she didn’t get it.

One role she did get, although not without its share of controversy, was Major in the upcoming reboot of Ghost in the Shell, which hits UK cinemas on Thursday (March 30) and US cinemas the following day