‘I had a whole meltdown’: Jennifer Lawrence confesses that she cried over pizza on the night she won an Oscar.

Winning an Academy Award is no doubt one of the most emotional nights in any actor’s career.

But it was the post-Oscars binge that brought Jennifer Lawrence to tears, despite not shedding a tear during the acceptance speech.

Chatting on The Graham Norton Show, the 25-year-old confessed that she wept over putting in the wrong order at a pizza place on her way home from the 2013 awards ceremony.

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Cry face: During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Jennifer Lawrence revealed that she cried on Oscars night, not down to the success of winning an award but because she ordered the wrong pizza

Asked about the night she took the Best Actress trophy for Silver Linings Playbook, Jennifer said: ‘I just came home crying, and then I ordered the wrong pizza, I was just like [mimics crying] wah, wah, wah.’

It was the night that Jennifer was not only initiated into the Hollywood big league but welcomed into the hearts of millions as a lovable buffoon when she tripped up the steps to collect the gong; the first of many red carpet falls.

‘I had a whole meltdown,’ she continued, candidly. ‘There was a series of things; a birth control confusion, I was like hormonal, I fell on my face, I forgot to thank the director.’

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Winner, winner: The blonde took the trophy for Best Actress in Silver Linings Playbook in 2013, but felt emotional about her food order

What does it all mean? The actress said she had a meltdown on the night

Different experiences: Fellow Academy Award winner Eddie Redmayne (right) found the anecdote hilarious

Meltdown: She explained that she’d been feeling hormonal that night and even had a birth control confusion

Gesturing to an imaginary trophy, the bubbly blonde concluded : ‘So I was just like, “What does it all mean? Nothing.”‘

Jennifer had even picked up a McDonald’s before the ceremony, though the moment she was filmed miming, ‘I’m starving!’ on the red carpet was captured for a GIF and shared the world-over the next day.

Speaking on the red carpet that night, Jennifer explained: ‘I forgot to eat because I was so stressed trying to leave the house, and I got in the car and I was starving. The [ceremony] is four hours long. I got in the car and could see the McDonald’s right there, so. …’

Embarrassing: It was the same night that Jennifer tripped up the steps on her way to collect the award

Lovable buffoon: It would not be the last time that the actress would suffer a fall on one of the biggest nights of her life

Anecdotes: The comic actress was on  the show to talk about her role in 2016’s Joy

Continuing to show host Graham about her mishaps on the red carpet and elsewhere, Jennifer offered another anecdote on the show, saying: ‘I am a puker. When I get stressed and exhausted I just vomit.

‘I was driving with my publicist the other day and had to roll down the window and I puked all down the side of the car. It was in front of all the paparazzi – I painted New York! And I threw up at Madonna’s party – on the porch!’

The actress was on the British television show, beside actors Eddie Redmayne and Will Ferrell, to talk about her new film Joy.

Comedy duo: Jennifer starred in 2013’s Silver Linings Playbook with Bradley Cooper (right)

Reunited: She and the American actor have reunited for her latest movie project, Joy

The dramatic comedy stars her beloved Silver Linings Playbook co-star Bradley Cooper and sees her once again take the central role as Joy Mangano.

No doubt it will earn her continued success at awards season in 2016, but the actress won’t be looking forward to the strike of midnight on New Year’s Eve, as she explained.

‘I really hate it,’ she said on the night. ‘I’ve never had a good one – everyone’s chasing a good time and it’s always a disappointment.

‘I plan on doing nothing and then if something lands in my lap… but I always end up drunk and disappointed. ‘Drunk and Disappointed’ should be the title of my memoir!’

Entertainer: Jennifer appears on the New Year’s special with Eddie (right, host Graham (left) and Will Ferrell

Laugh a minute: But bubbly Jennifer is the most entertaining of the trio