🎬Lucía 2 (2026) | Primer tráiler👉Scarlett Johansson, Jason Statham

En Lucy 2, Scarlett Johansson retoma su papel de Lucy, que ahora ha trascendido las limitaciones humanas y existe como una entidad poderosa…

RED HULK (2025) With Harrison Ford & Rosa Salazar

Red Hulk is an alias that is used by two different fictional characters in comic books published by Marvel Comics, U.S. Generals Thaddeus…

¡Cavill toma la espada de Conan!👉 Mira ahora:Conan el Bárbaro (2025) – Primer tráiler | Henry Cavill.

El legendario guerrero de la espada y la hechicerĂ­a pronto podrĂ­a regresar a la pantalla grande, y se especula que Henry Cavill está…

Conan the Barbarian (2025) – First Trailer | Henry Cavill

The legendary warrior of sword and sorcery may soon return to the big screen, with speculation swirling that Henry Cavill is in talks…

🧛🏻 The Twilight Saga 6: The New Chapter The world of vampires, werewolves and forbidden love is about to come alive once again.

The world of vampires, werewolves, and forbidden love is about to come alive once more. Summit Entertainment has officially announced The Twilight Saga:…

Titanic 2: El regreso de Jack: un amor perdido con el tiempo. Finalmente llegará pronto una secuela que lleva casi 30 años en desarrollo.

En una charla reciente con Variety, James Cameron lanzĂł una bomba para los fanáticos de Titanic: está considerando una secuela. “Ha pasado un…

Titanic 2: The Return of Jack – A love lost over time.A sequel almost 30 years in the making is finally coming soon.

In a recent chat with Variety, James Cameron dropped a bombshell for Titanic fans: he’s considering a sequel. “It’s been a while since…

Jumanji 4: The Final Level – First Trailer (2025) | Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart (4k)

Jumanji 4 is officially on the horizon, and excitement for the next installment in the jungle fantasy series is at an all-time high.…

Acorazado 2 (2025) – Tráiler oficial de la pelĂ­cula

Battleship 2 comienza una dĂ©cada despuĂ©s de los acontecimientos de la primera pelĂ­cula. El almirante Shane (Liam Neeson) lidera una coaliciĂłn naval global…

Apocalypto 2 (2025) – First Trailer | Rudy Youngblood

In the teaser trailer for “Apocalypto 2,” Mooch Entertainment imagines a gripping continuation of Mel Gibson’s 2006 epic. The teaser opens with a…