The desert sands of Arrakis are stirring once more. Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have officially announced the third installment in the critically…

Warner Bros. ha confirmado el regreso de la tripulación de Ocean en Ocean’s 14, marcando la tan esperada reunión de George Clooney, Brad…

For years, speculation has surrounded the possibility of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child making its way to the big screen, and now,…

It has been revealed that Henry Cavill and Scarlett Johansson will star in the highly anticipated Bond 26, titled “007: Carte Blanche”. This…

En Lucy 2, Scarlett Johansson retoma su papel de Lucy, que ahora ha trascendido las limitaciones humanas y existe como una entidad poderosa…

Red Hulk is an alias that is used by two different fictional characters in comic books published by Marvel Comics, U.S. Generals Thaddeus…

El legendario guerrero de la espada y la hechicería pronto podría regresar a la pantalla grande, y se especula que Henry Cavill está…

The legendary warrior of sword and sorcery may soon return to the big screen, with speculation swirling that Henry Cavill is in talks…

The world of vampires, werewolves, and forbidden love is about to come alive once more. Summit Entertainment has officially announced The Twilight Saga:…