The referee takes over to start the action. Carmelo Hayes tries to take the advantage after cornering his rival: although he is not efficient, Melo manages to knock down the Canadian. Sami Zayn reacts by sending his opponent out of the ring and then threatens to fly. Hayes will not have an easy fight, so he takes advantage of Sami’s distraction to get him out of the ring. Great “Moonsault” from Sami on Melo after pushing off the barricade! This is just beginning in Tampa.
Back on the ring, Carmelo Hayes maintains dominance over his opponent after connecting a series of blows. Sami Zayn reacts by applying a “Clothesline” on Melo and is filled with energy after hearing the ovation of the public. Hayes avoids a “Blue Thunder Bomb” on a couple of occasions, but when he pushes himself on the ropes, he ends up being the victim of the move ; Sami’s count remains at two. The actions go to the top of the corner… Zayn knocks Hayes down but fails to connect his aerial move; Melo takes advantage of the moment to attack with a “Codebreaker”, although his count does not progress. Balanced fight on WWE SmackDown ( December 27, 2024 ).
Carmelo Hayes gets to his feet first to attack his opponent with a DDT. Melo tries to finish the match with a Nothing But Net, but Sam Zayn intercepts him in mid-air with a Clothesline. Zayn launches himself to attack his rival with several strikes, and then attacks him with an Exploder Suplex against the corner. Melo leaves the ring to avoid a Helluva Kick, but BRAUN STROWMAN catches him on the entrance ramp to take him out of the scene. Meanwhile, THE BLOODLINE APPEARS TO ATTACK SAMI ZAYN . The match ends in favor of the Canadian by way of disqualification.
Braun Strowman throws Melo’s body onto the entrance ramp and then decides to attack The Bloodline. Only Sikoa stands up to the “Monster Among Men,” but “The Tribal Chief” ends up outside the ring. Now it’s Jacob Fatu who confronts Braun, causing the giant’s distraction so that Solo & Tama Tonga attack him from behind. Sami Zayn returns to continue battling, but is neutralized due to the numerical disadvantage. Only Sikoa ends the round by connecting a “Samoan Spike” on Sami Zayn.