In an unexpected follow-up to the beloved comedy Groundhog Day, Hollywood is returning to Punxsutawney, and this time, Margaret Qualley will take center stage. Officially named Groundhog Day 2: Shadow of the Past, the movie reintroduces Bill Murray in a significant role while concentrating on a new lead character: his daughter. The goal of this Jason Reitman-directed follow-up is to pay tribute to the 1993 original’s heritage while adding a new, contemporary spin to the well-known time-loop story.
Margaret Qualley stars as Claire Connors, the estranged daughter of Phil Connors (Bill Murray), who finds herself inexplicably trapped in her own time loop in Punxsutawney. Unlike her father’s loop, Claire’s predicament isn’t just about reliving the same day—it’s tied to unraveling the mystery of her family’s fractured relationship and confronting her own demons.
Fans of the original will be thrilled to know that Bill Murray reprises his role as Phil Connors. While his character has escaped his loop, he plays a critical role in helping Claire navigate hers. Murray’s presence not only bridges the gap between the two films but also adds a layer of emotional depth as father and daughter reconcile their past.