10 DC Vs. Marvel Fights Everyone Wants To See

We’ve already seen a few matchups between Marvel and DC heroes over the years, these battles have been highly anticipated by fans for quite a while.

Marvel and DC Comics are the kings of superhero comics, which has led to a certain bit of a rivalry between fans. While most fans read comics from both companies, they do have their favorites and this has started some debates about who would win in fights. There are some Marvel and DC characters that everyone wants to see fight, with online spaces where comic fans hang out full of people trying to figure out who would win these epic battles.

Marvel and DC Comics have had some crossovers, but these stories weren’t enough to give fans what they wanted. They want to see the fights given the spotlight they deserve and for definitive winners to be crowned. They want to know officially which of their favorites will win. It doesn’t seem like Marvel and DC will ever cross over again, but fans can wish for these fights.

10John Constantine And Doctor Strange Have Very Different Ways Of Doing Things

Recent DC comics reveal that a shady antihero has low key become a punk icon throughout the years, completely under the radar.

Doctor Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme, the most powerful magic user in the Marvel Universe. Strange protects the Earth from the most terrible magical threats, using his mastery of magic and wits to defeat enemies that are akin to gods. In the DC Multiverse, the closest analogue to Doctor Strange isn’t someone like Doctor Fate, but actually John Constantine. Constantine isn’t the most powerful magic user like Strange is, but he does the exact same job.

Fans have been debating who would win a battle between John Constantine and Doctor Strange for years. Strange is definitely more powerful, but Constantine has made a career out of defeating enemies who were much more powerful than him. A battle between Constantine and Strange would be highly entertaining, just to see how the two of them would deal with each other. It would be the best fight either of them has had in ages.

9The Fantastic Four And The Terrifics Is A Perfect Match Up

The Fantastic Four are Marvel’s First Family. They brought Marvel into the Silver Age superhero game and have had amazing adventures. The team has faced off against all kinds of threats over the years, with each member adding more to the table than their powers.

The Fantastic Four has some powerful members – invisible energy-controlling dynamo Invisible Woman, hot as the sun the Human Torch, super strong Thing, and stretchy Reed Richards – but they win because they are more than the sum of their parts.

The Terrifics were created to mirror the Fantastic Four. The team consisted of super genius Mr. Terrific, the elastic shapeshifter Plastic Man, the intangible Phantom Girl, and the elemental powerhouse Metamorpho. Each member had an analogue in the FF, whether it be because of powers or personality.

Seeing the two teams clash would be very interesting. The Terrifics have a small but vocal fanbase and would love to see their favorites go up against their inspirations.

8Fans Have Wondered For Decades Who Would Win Between Miracleman And Shazam

Even if Black Adam and Shazam seem similar on the surface, there are many differences that set them apart.

Miracleman was first known as Marvelman in the UK and was created to be a British version of Captain Marvel, a character now called Shazam. The two characters were pretty much the same, but the future Shazam stood the test of time better than the future Miracleman.

Shazam would go to DC and Alan Moore would redefine Miracleman in the British comic anthology Warrior. The series would be brought to the US by Eclipse Comics as Miracleman, and years later, Marvel would gain the rights to Miracleman after years of legal wrangling between Nail Gaiman and Todd McFarlane.

Miracleman has been published by Marvel for years and is currently starring in Miracleman: The Silver Age. Miracleman isn’t exactly a Marvel character, beyond the company being the one who owns and publishes him, but that doesn’t change that fans have wanted to know who would win between Miracleman and Shazam for years.

The two have some similarities but enough differences to make any battle between the two of them well worth the price of admission.

7Captain Marvel And Wonder Woman Would Be An Awesome Fight

Wonder Woman is the first major superheroine and everyone that has come after her owes her a debt. Wonder Woman is a powerhouse and a leader in the DC superhero community, a member of the Trinity along with Batman and Superman.

Wonder Woman is the best of the best and her closest analogue in the Marvel Universe is Captain Marvel. Much like Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel is a powerful woman who is in a leadership position in the Marvel Universe.

However, Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel are also quite different. They have different powers and personalities, and one – Captain Marvel – obviously owes everything to the other – Wonder Woman.

A fight between the two is intriguing because their powers and methods are quite different. An argument can be made that either one can win, which is why fans want to see this fight so badly.

6Scarlet Witch And Zatanna Would Be A Battle For The Ages

Scarlet Witch is Marvel’s premiere magic-using woman. Scarlet Witch has always been popular, but the 21st century has seen her popularity grow by leaps and bounds, partly because of the MCU but also because Marvel has stopped putting her in cliche “powerful women that can’t handle their emotions” plots.

Scarlet Witch has become more well-rounded and is a better character than ever. Her place as the Avengers’ greatest magic user reminds many fans of DC’s most popular magic-user- Zatanna.

Zatanna and Scarlet Witch go well together because they’ve long had similar places in their respective universes, working as the greatest magic users on the biggest superhero teams in comics.

Their powers make them both ridiculously powerful, making them worthy opponents for each other. It would be very interesting to see how each one deals with the other, and who would come through the fight as the winner.

5Lex Luthor And Doctor Doom Would Be Too Good Of A Battle To Pass Up

Lex Luthor and Doctor Doom have a lot in common. Both of them have wide power bases that allow them to get away with pretty much anything. Each of them is known for their genius, which has allowed them to create weapons and technology that even the odds with the most powerful heroes.

Both of them have really cool armor. Lex and Doom are both extremely arrogant and have proven to be more than a match for every hero they fight. Both of them have become universe-shaking opponents.

Lex Luthor has changed a lot over the years, as has Doctor Doom, each of them growing and evolving. Seeing them go up against each other would be a dream come true for Marvel and DC fans. Watching them battle each other would be like the most entertaining game of chess ever, as Luthor and Doom maneuvered their pieces into position for their strikes and then let loose.

Watching the two tear each other’s resources apart before finally facing off one-on-one in their trademark armor would be a dream come true for basically every Marvel and DC fan ever.

4Joker And Green Goblin Would Be The Ultimate Match-Up Of Insane Villains

Green Goblin has long been the biggest thorn in Spider-Man’s side, testing the Wall-Crawler like few others. However, taking a closer look at the Green Goblin – a cackling insane villain with a big smile who wears purple and green – and it’s plain to see that his inspiration comes from the Joker.

The Joker is Batman’s greatest foe and the most recognizable villain in comics. While there are definitely a lot of differences between the two, their similarities make a fight between the two too good to pass up.

On paper, Green Goblin has an overwhelming advantage – he’s stronger, faster, and has the Goblin glider. However, silly things like superpowers have never stopped the Joker before. Half the fun of the fight would be seeing how the Joker dealt with his much more powerful foe.

A battle between the two would be one for the ages and the ultimate match-up of villains who love to grin and wear the colors purple and green.

3Thanos And Darkseid Is The Villain Grudge Match Every Fan Wants To See

The mighty Darkseid has appeared as a frequent Superman & Justice League villain, but he actually serves the DC Universe better as a New Gods foe.

Thanos and Darkseid are looked at as the ultimate villains of their respective universes.

While this isn’t entirely accurate – and each character is way more nuanced than they seem to the more casual fans who only know them from the movies, YouTube videos, comics X, and TikTok – a battle between the two is the one villain fight that everyone wants to see. Darkseid is the God of Evil, the lord of Apokolips, and the living representation of the darkest impulses of all living and thinking beings, while Thanos is nihilism personified, a being who has fallen in love with Death and wants to share oblivion with the universe.

Thanos and Darkseid is the ultimate villain grudge match. Neither would have any problem fighting the other and while Darkseid definitely has the advantage when it comes to power level, Thanos has defeated gods before and is canny enough to challenge the lord of Apokolips.

Darkseid versus Thanos is a fight that fans have clamored for, spending years debating who would win. Pitting two villains that can run through teams of heroes against each other in a winner-take-all battle would be a license to print money for Marvel and DC.

2Superman Versus Thor Is The Battle Of Heroes Who Wear Red Capes

Superman is the first superhero, setting an example that every hero who came after him would follow. Superman is also DC’s greatest powerhouse, the hero who leads the others into battle and goes head-to-head with the most powerful threats.

Superman is considered by many to be the ultimate superhero, a champion for good unlike any other there. Marvel has several Superman analogues that fans would love to see fight the Man of Steel, but there’s one fight they want to see more than any other – Superman versus Thor.


Thor’s history in the Marvel Universe shows that he’s one of the few heroes who could actually stand up to Superman. Readers have gotten a glimpse of a battle between the two in the classic JLA/Avengers miniseries, but now they want to see the whole shebang. How would Superman overcome the magic of Thor’s lightning and Mjolnir? How would Thor overcome the near-limitless power of Superman? A battle between the two would be epic and fans have wanted to see it for decades.

1Spider-Man And Batman Would Be The Battle Of Both Publisher’s Most Popular Characters

With over 80 years of history in DC Comics, reading Batman can feel intimidating. However, it’s easy if you know where to start!

Batman is the greatest vigilante in comics, taking the best of pulp detective comics and mixing it with the best of superheroes to create a character who has survived over eighty years as one of the most popular fictional characters in the world.

Batman has starred in every type of media imaginable and appears in multiple comics every month, from his ongoings to one-shots to miniseries. Batman is by far DC’s most popular character, as well as its most formidable, having figured out a way to defeat pretty much every hero and villain thrown at him.

Spider-Man has spent sixty years on top at Marvel. The Wall-Crawler changed comics forever, introducing a relatable character that every fan could get behind.

Spider-Man is Marvel’s most popular character, selling more comics than any other character even when The Amazing Spider-Man is considered the worst Marvel comic on the stands. Fans have wondered for years how a fight between Batman and Spider-Man would go, as each of them has advantages over the other. This is the first that every comic fan wants, and it would sell like hotcakes. Basically, it doesn’t matter whether Batman or Spider-Man won, because the real winners would be the fans, Marvel, and DC Comics.