There are some significant series reveals in the recently released Alien: Earth teaser video. The narrative of the new FX television series Alien: Earth will be set on Earth, which will be a departure from the Alien franchise. The plot revolves around a spacecraft that crashes on Earth and the humans who find out what horrors are inside. Sydney Chandler, David Rysdahl, Essie Davis, Timothy Olyphant, and Alex Lawther are among the main cast members of Alien: Earth.
Now, FX Networks has revealed the new teaser trailer for Alien: Earth. As the sun’s glint on Earth is shown, a resounding narrator voice says “In 2120, Mother Earth is expecting.” The scene then pans out from Earth to reveal the reflection of Earth in a Xenomorph’s head. The Xenomorph bears its teeth before the scene quickly cuts away. As the Alien Earth title card shows, indistinguishable faces are shown for fleeting moments. The final title card reveals a release window for Alien: Earth, saying that the show will come in Summer 2025.