Meghan Markle was defended by a PR expert following the latest wave of negative publicity towards her in recent months.
The Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥 has been on the receiving end of negative publicity after fresh claims emerged about her alleged bad behaviour towards staff.
Back in September, The Hollywood Reporter published a report which cited a current senior staffer who alleged that Meghan acts like a “dictator in high heels” and colleagues are reportedly “terrified” of her and her “belittling” behaviour towards them.
The report was followed by a cover story by Us Weekly, with several named former and current employees of the Sus𝑠e𝑥es going on record to defend Meghan, before another negative article was published by the Daily Beast which cited a former courtier who claimed that when the duchess was a working royal she was a “demon” boss who had “psycho moments” during their service and made people “feel like s**t”.
And last month, Princess Diana’s biographer and ex-Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown, who’s been previously critical of the Sus𝑠e𝑥 couple, gave a scathing verdict on the Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥’s decision-making, accusing her of having the “worst judgement” and that “all her ideas are total crap”. The Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥 declined to comment on the latest claims.
But now Abesi Manyando, a global celebrity publicist and crisis manager, has hit out at Meghan’s critics and claimed the duchess has always acted to help others but, despite that, she is “consistently” criticised.
She told Express.co.uk: “Meghan Markle has done nothing but promote issues close to her heart and raise awareness about causes she is passionate about.
“Yet, she is consistently on the receiving end of jarring criticism.
“Many Black women face this every day in society and in work environments, where, no matter how intelligent, kind, quiet, and qualified we are, we are faced with disparagement, bullying, and humiliation.”
Ms Manyando went on to that this behaviour is “deeply rooted” in racism because “there is still an anger that resides inside people who cannot fathom that Meghan Markle, with her ethnicity, is the wife of Prince Harry and a Duchess.”
She explained: “The criticism against Meghan Markle reveals the deep-rooted racism that permeates our world.

“It aligns with a pervasive stereotype of black women in which Black women are painted as angry, aggressive, unintelligent, and undeserving of love and adoration.
“There is still an anger that resides inside people who cannot fathom that Meghan Markle, with her ethnicity, is the wife of Prince Harry and a Duchess. I think people need to be more honest about the foundation of their criticism.”
The PR expert suggested that Meghan should ignore the criticism and “continue to walk in her light, support causes that are important to her and advocate against bullying.”
She added: “Her voice, platform, and passion are needed in marginalized spaces and causes that need visibility.
“Like her husband, she was an advocate long before becoming a princess. Duchess Meghan is doing great and should continue to focus her energy on the things that matter to her heart.
“Constantly battling people committed to hating you and misunderstanding you can take a mental toll.”