Fans of Springfield are in for a crazy journey as the renowned animated series The Simpsons gets a live-action makeover. Longtime Simpsons fan Adam Sandler will portray the endearing oaf, Homer Simpson, while Margot Robbie, who is renowned for her dynamic and multifaceted performances, will play Marge Simpson, according to people familiar with the production. This new version, which combines A-list talent with comedic royalty, aims to honor the original show while giving its iconic characters new life.
The live-action Simpsons adaptation will reportedly cover the fictional town of Springfield, preserving many fan-favorite locations such as Moe’s Tavern, the Kwik-E-Mart, and the Simpson family home. Director Seth MacFarlane, who’s had his own success with Family Guy, is set to helm the film, and early concept art hints at a balance between a realistic Midwest town and the zany, larger-than-life elements The Simpsons is famous for. Adam Sandler, whose humor has spanned generations, is tackling one of the most iconic father figures in television history. Known for his slapstick style and improv chops, Sandler reportedly jumped at the chance to portray Homer, saying in a statement, “Homer is everyone’s dad and no one’s dad at the same time. It’s a dream role to bring this guy, who we’ve all grown up with, to life.”
Margot Robbie’s casting as Marge has sparked major interest as well, especially given her ability to move between intense drama and light-hearted roles effortlessly. Robbie noted her excitement about exploring Marge’s character depth, stating, “Marge is more than just the blue hair and the quiet strength beside Homer. I can’t wait to bring out her inner world.”