The actor who plays King Charles in the hit Netflix show The Crown, Dominic West, has shared an insight into his and Prince Harry’s real life broken friendship.
Dominic West and Prince Harry once had a genuine bond following a charity event that they both participated in.
However, The Crown star revealed how their relationship came crumbling down following a press conference the pair did together where West claims he once “said too much”.
In 2013, the duo took part in the Walking With the Wounded where they completed a ground-breaking 200-mile walk alongside 12 injured servicemen, aimed at empowering military veterans after they complete their service.
However, the 54-year-old actor unveiled the truth about how their friendship came to an end after an accidental slip-up, leading them to no longer talk.
“We sort of [lost touch because] I said too much in a press conference, and so, we didn’t speak after that,” said Dominic during an interview on “Sunday Morning” on Times Radio.
Host Kate McCann pressed for further detail, where the actor recalled his falling out. “I think I was asked what we did. [And] what we did to celebrate when we got there and I probably said too much,” he added.
In January 2014, Prince Harry and Dominic reunited at an event to recount their expedition, a year after they set off. The Crown actor was overjoyed to share his and the Royal’s experience, gushing over the impact Harry had on the team.
Dominic said: “[Harry] was very much part of the team,” and added: “He seemed to specialise in building latrines. He built this incredible castellated structure with blocks to keep out the wind, and it even had a [toilet] roll holder.”
Dominic stars as Prince Harry’s father, King Charles, in the popular series The Crown. Despite the time past since the hiccup, the two have not yet rekindled to chat about this.
Prince Harry has, however, admitted to being a regular viewer of the show during a guest appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.
The Duke of Sus𝑠e𝑥 says he likes to keep up-to-date with the substance of the show to ensure it is historically accurate.