Upgrade! Beyoncé is set to join Hillary Clinton and Jay-Z at the concert in Cleveland today.

Hillary Clinton has a surprise in store for supporters with tickets to the Jay Z concert in Cleveland tonight.

She’s going to upgrade you with a Beyonce performance, a source told CBS News.

The Clinton campaign has been teasing ‘special guests’ at the Friday evening event on the campus of Cleveland State University that the candidate is also attending but will not say who.

Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James will reportedly stop by, as well as Beyonce.

Hillary Clinton is going to upgrade you her supporters with a Beyonce performance tonight

Rapper Jay Z (left) is headlining the concert in Cleveland, Ohio. Basketball star LeBron James (right) could also stop by

Hillary Clinton is getting big names in music and Hollywood involved in her campaign for the last few weeks, enlisting the likes of Pharrell (pictured), Jay Z, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Ne-Yo, Jennifer Lopez and Jon Bon Jovi

Clinton will try to pull in a Donald Trump-sized crowd in what could be her campaign’s largest event yet.

Rapper Jay Z will perform at the Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University on her behalf at concert tonight. Doors open at 5 pm.

Tickets to the concert were to be distributed ‘on a first-come, first-served basis,’ the Clinton campaign said. Prospective attendees can obtain tickets at Hillary for Ohio offices.

But having a ticket isn’t enough, an advisory warned. ‘A ticket does not guarantee access to the concert if capacity is reached.’

And don’t even think about sending one person to pick up tickets on behalf of a group, the release said.

The rules state that ‘only one ticket per person will be issued and guests must be present at the ticket distribution site to claim a ticket.’

The venue has enough space for 13,610 Jay Z fans.

Buzzfeed has a source close to the Democratic nominee’s campaign saying that James, who endorsed Clinton at the beginning of the month, could stop by, too.

A press release announcing the Jay Z concert teased ‘special guests’ and did not provide any additional clues.

The Clinton campaign did not comment on CBS’ report. A senior campaign official would only tell DailyMail.com on Friday that ‘special guests’ will indeed be at the event. The aide declined to name names.

The Clinton campaign has held several ‘Love Trumps Hate’ concerts over the past week aimed at motivating certain blocs of voters.

Jennifer Lopez performed at one on Saturday in Miami. Ne-Yo headlined one in North Carolina. Katy Perry is campaigning with Clinton in Philadelphia.

The Jay Z show on will specifically target young, black voters.

If Clinton can motivate enough African-Americans to vote for her in Ohio, a swing state that has been friendly to her rival, she’ll easily win the White House.

Trump needs to ‘run the table’ in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania if he expects to win on November 8, Clinton’s campaign has pointed out.

Jay Z and his powerhouse wife endorsed Clinton months ago.

The couple has performed for Democrats before, with Jay Z doing a concert with Bruce Springsteen in Columbus, Ohio, during President Barack Obama’s re-election bid.

Beyonce infamously lip-synced the national anthem at Obama’s inauguration the next year.

Both Jay Z and Beyonce have spoken out and sung about police violence against black Americans, a topic Democrats have embraced and Republicans have pushed back against using slogans like ‘Blue Lives Matter’ and ‘All Lives Matter’ instead of ‘Black Lives Matter.’

Clinton campaigned with Pharrell yesterday in Raleigh, North Carolina. The artist’s hit song ‘Happy’ is on the Democrat’s campaign playlist.

Band members of The National performed a concert in their hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jon Bon Jovi, who stumped for Clinton in his native New Jersey during the Democratic primary and performed at Bill Clinton’s final Clinton Global Initiative in September in New York, chipped in with two shows. One was in Pittsburgh last Thursday and another is in Tampa tomorrow.

Earlier this month Clinton campaign deployed pop star Perry to Nevada to encourage young people early vote. Pop star Miley Cyrus knocked on dorm room doors in Northern Virginia.

Actress Salma Hayek also got on the phone with reporters to explain why she was campaigning for Clinton and urging other Latinos to vote.