Jennifer Lawrence contributes $2 million to Kentucky Children’s Hospital

Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence, who was born and raised in Louisville, was inspired to support Kosair Children’s Hospital after spending recent holidays there tending to ailing children.

With her parents, Greg and Karen Lawrence, as well as her two brothers present, Lawrence made the announcement via video on Friday afternoon that she would be donating $2 million to create the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.

“On our trips to the hospital, my family and I have had the pleasure of meeting so many beautiful kids. Lawrence praised their bravery and strength and challenged others to equal her donation with an additional $2 million.

Karen Lawrence reported that for the last three holidays, her daughter visited patients at Kosair and talked about how it was a unique present. After their final visit in December, Lawrence told them, “That’s Christmas for me,” her mother recalled.

Karen Lawrence stated of Jennifer, “She’s all about giving… she’s not materialistic,” and said that Jennifer “has the biggest heart of anybody I know.”

Born and raised in Louisville, Lawrence is an Academy Award winner most recognized for her performance as The Hunger Games’ lead actress. This year, she is up for a nomination for her part in the tragic comedy Joy. She has supported numerous groups that fight hunger and assist those with special needs by sponsoring events and making donations.

The most recent donation coincides with Kosair’s significant efforts to grow its facilities and experience in providing specialist treatment for infants and kids with heart abnormalities and diseases. Frank Pigula, the chief of pediatric cardiovascular surgery at Kosair, was hired from Boston Children’s Hospital. He will work alongside Christopher Johnsrude, chairman of cardiology at Kosair and University of Louisville Physicians, to co-direct the heart center.

It’s also been raising funds to support the $25 million project. The ICU will feature 14 beds for children recovering from heart procedures, open-heart surgery, including heart transplants, heart failure and other conditions that require intensive care. Kosair officials said plans include providing space for families to stay with their children during their hospitalization.

The announcement in the hospital’s lobby drew a standing-room-only crowd of families with their small patients in tow, nurses, doctors and hospital staff. Many cried as Greg Young, holding his 5-year-old son Jonathan, told of having their son born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, roughly half a heart.

He underwent open heart surgery within a week of his birth in December 2010 and has had numerous surgeries and procedures since, Young said. It saved his son and gave him a chance at life. Jonathan loves golf, the proud dad said, and he’s starting T-ball this spring.

Cheers erupted as the boy, riding his dad’s hip and wearing a ball cap, grinned.

Gary Lawrence, Jennifer Lawrence’s father, who stood at the rear of a small stage, wiped away tears as Young’s voice broke, recounting the family’s journey with Jonathan.

Afterward, both of Lawrence’s parents seemed grateful. “I’m so happy that we and she is able … to help another family,” Karen Lawrence said. “It’s just giving from your heart.”