How to Grow Mushrooms for Daily Harvesting in Plastic Bags

Getting Ready

First, mix 30 liters of water and 200 grams of lime powder to make a lime water mixture. This will promote mushroom growth.

Incubation and Preparation of Substrates

Soak hay or straw in the mixture of lime water to prepare the growing medium. After letting it soak for almost half an hour, drain it. After that, keep the drained substrate covered with plastic for about 4 days while keeping it between 65 and 70°C.

Mushroom Production:

After a successful incubation period, the cultivation stage should be initiated. Use plastic bags that are about 30 by 40 centimeters, preferably made of polyethylene PE. To make substrate layering easier, make sure the bags have a folded square bottom.

Fill the bags with substrate, starting with a layer that is 3–4 cm on the bottom. Next, move the mushroom seed along the bag’s walls. Sprinkle the seed evenly on top of each layer as you add 6-7 cm layers to make a total of four layers.

Use fresh cotton to seal the bags, then fasten the mouth to ensure a tight closure. Move the bags, keeping a safe distance between them, to a fiber nursery. To keep the moisture in the bags, cover the mouths with newspaper.

Growth and Harvesting of Mushrooms

Keep the growing area covered to maintain warmth and moisture, which are essential for the development of mushrooms, for best results.

Keep an eye on the bags until the mycelium completely covers them in white. After that, cut the bags and hang them, cutting progressively spaced holes to allow the mushrooms to sprout.

To keep the bags evenly moist, water them two or three times a day. Turn the mushrooms in a counterclockwise direction to harvest them. Stop watering after harvesting to promote more sprouting and to take care of the next generation.

Later generations tend to grow more abundantly, so you can repeat this process for more harvests.


This technique makes harvesting possible every day and may be customized with easily accessible materials to meet particular requirements. For mushroom production to be successful, environmental conditions must be consistent and close supervision is required.