Sheamus takes down Ludwig Kaiser amid Pete Dunne interference

Ludwig Kaiser dominates the action after he attacks Sheamus against the steel steps. The German is unable to capitalize on his advantage, so the Irishman begins to react with a pair of takedowns before finishing off the offensive with a Knee Backbreaker. Sheamus dispels Kaiser’s reaction to attack with a White Noise, but it is not enough to win.

«The Celtic Warrior» was in control after attacking Kaiser with a «Beats of The Bodhran», but he is unable to follow up due to Pete Dunne ’s distraction . Sheamus is agile in dodging the Brit at ringside, and although he receives punishment from Kaiser upon his return to the ring, the Irishman finishes his rival after connecting with a «Jumping Knee» followed by a «Brogue Kick». | »Winner: Sheamus.