Drew McIntyre takes advantage of CM Punk’s emotional moment to triumph in Cleveland

CM Punk couldn’t stay focused and after attacking Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre took advantage to get the victory at WWE SummerSlam 2024.

CM Punk and Drew McIntyre finally starred in the first episode of their great rivalry facing each other at WWE SummerSlam 2024 with Seth Rollins as special guest referee.

Throughout the year, the two Superstars’ exchange of blows caused chaos that could only be contained by “The Visionary,” a man who has no sympathy for either of them and who previously warned that this match would be played under his rules to create an instant classic of violence. This was CM Punk’s first official singles match in WWE in over a decade ; his last had been against Billy Gunn on Monday Night RAW (January 20, 2014).

CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre with Seth Rollins as special guest referee

Seth Rollins takes a little time to start the match to further provoke the fans’ anxiety. The bell finally rings and both competitors go on the attack. Rollins calls CM Punk out for not stopping attacking Drew McIntyre against the corner, allowing the Scotsman to react. McIntyre also ignores the referee’s rules, so he also receives a warning. Drew subdues Punk with a “Cross Chop”, but is then sent out of the ring. Punk jumps on his rival and the action goes to ringside amidst the chants of the crowd.

CM Punk sends McIntyre face-first into the punch and then crashes him into the barricade. Seth Rollins lies down in the corner to enjoy the match , and does nothing to start any count outside the ring. Punk repeatedly slams McIntyre’s skull into the steel steps , while the special guest referee ties his shoelaces. The Chicagoan tries to get back into the ring with his rival, but McIntyre knocks him into the apron. Drew charges Punk to send him into the commentary table a couple of times, while Rollins gets excited singing his entrance theme with the crowd. Drew continues the attack on Punk by attacking him in the neck against the steel structure of the ring.

Back in the ring, Seth Rollins reminds Drew McIntyre that he came into WWE SummerSlam 2024 saying how violent he would be against CM Punk for all the times he screwed him up. Drew ramps up the punishment, but when he tries to make the cover, Punk shakes off the one count a couple of times. Even though Seth correctly makes the count, Punk doesn’t allow himself to be trapped in the cover for more than a second. Rollins is doing his job well and advises McIntyre to do better. Drew arms himself with a chair, and tries to convince Rollins that this is a good idea, due to the hatred they both have for Punk. But Seth backs out at the last moment and takes the chair away from McIntyre.

Drew argues with Seth and ends up pushing him. This causes Rollins to try to hit the Scot with a chair, but the latter dodges the blow and almost hits CM Punk. Punk becomes more alert, since he always thought that Seth Rollins would be here to ruin him. “The Best In The World” is in control of the actions and blows a kiss to the referee before launching himself with a “Diving Elbow Drop”; the count stays at two. “Anaconda Vice” by CM Punk on McIntyre; but Punk prefers to recover his bracelet before closing the lock on the Scot! Punk worries about taking his personal item, which McIntyre takes advantage of to surprise him with a “Claymore Kick”; the count stays at two. The bracelet flies away, so Rollins decides to keep it on his wrist.

“The Scottish Psychopath” looks to connect with a “Future Shock DDT”, but takes a little too long, and then is sent face first into the ring post. CM Punk charges The Scotsman to connect with a “GTS”, but drops him because he notices that Rollins is holding the bracelet. Drew takes advantage to push Punk into the referee, something that makes Rollins leave the ring. “GTS” by CM Punk on Drew McIntyre! Seth takes a long time to return to the ring, and his count remains at two. Punk gets upset with Rollins and even teaches him how to count. But this only causes Rollins to raise his voice to remind him that he is the authority tonight, and that it is not all about him.

CM Punk GTS on Seth Rollins! CM Punk wastes time again taking his bracelet, while Drew McIntyre recovers to connect another Claymore Kick on CM Punk. Rollins takes a while to get back up to do the count, a bit slow, and even so, the three arrives on CM Punk. DREW MCINTYRE DEFEATS CM PUNK AT SUMMERSLAM! The Scotsman takes the bracelet from CM Punk again before leaving.