Scarlett Johansson: Her Sexiest Films.

The hottest actress in the world in her greatest moments

Scarlett Johansson, one of the most beautiful actresses in the world, has enjoyed her fair share of iconic movie moments. From critically acclaimed gems like Lost in Translation and Vicky Christina Barelona to blockbuster outings in The Avengers and Ghost in a Shell, here are some of her most memorable roles.

1| Ghost in the Shell (2017) 

A controversial casting saw Scarlett play Major Mira Killian, a cyborg super soldier with an unclear past in an adaptation of a Japanese manga classic.

2| Lucy (2014)

It’s a familiar story: four packets of class-A drugs explode in Lucy’s (Johansson) stomach, giving her the ability to think with 100 percent of her brain (as opposed to the 10 percent people mythically use). Naturally this gives her superpowers. It all makes a lot more sense if you only think about it with 10 percent of your brain.

Sure, it’s might be one of the stupidest films of the decade, but who cares when it features Scarlett Johansson kicking the shit out of nondescript henchmen for 90 straight minutes?

3| Chef (2014) 

A small but vital role in Jon Favreau’s ode to good cookin,’ Scarlett plays restaurant hostess Molly who looks better eating a bowl of pasta than any human has the right to.

4| He’s Just Not That Into You (2009)