Prince Harry issued a warning over the “screaming and shouting” since the visa issue “may return.”

Harry and Meghan have been warned about what could happen if Donald Trump wins the US election (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been issued a warning over what could happen if they start “shouting and screaming” amid the US presidential elections.

Speaking on the Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered podcast about Harry and Meghan’s distinct silence during the election campaign, Kevin O’Sullivan commented on what could happen if Donald Trump becomes president and how he will treat the pair.

He said: “This depends on how vocal they are between now and November 5. If they start coming out shouting and screaming about vote Kamala, then Donald will be having a close look at Harry’s visa when he gets into power.”

Mr O’Sullivan’s discussion with Kinsey Schofield comes months after Trump suggested he might deport Harry if he wins the US election in November.

Donald Trump has previously warned he could deport Prince Harry (Image: Getty)

On Harry and Meghan’s relationship with Donald Trump, Kinsey commented their silence could be down to Trump’s previous comments on the pair.

She ruminated: “The one thing that I feel like could be keeping Harry and Meghan silent throughout this campaign season is that President Trump did threaten to deport him, so maybe they don’t want to push his buttons.

“Could they potentially stay quiet throughout this process because Donald Trump has said ‘If I find out that you were given any special privileges I’m going to reverse course’?”

Kinsey added that this marked a departure from the Duke and Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥’s pre-Covid stance on Trump, one which allegedly saw them delay their move to the USA because he was president.

Donald Trump’s admiration of the Royal Family has been highlighted in the past (Image: Getty)

Kinsey explained: “They were so vocal about their disdain for him. I remember at the time…I believe I read somewhere that they refused to move to America initially because Donald Trump was president so they moved to Canada, in comes the plague and they sneak over to the States.”

On whether Trump would act against Harry and Meghan at all even if he won, Kinsey suggested that he wouldn’t because of his relationship with King Charles. She explained: “I have felt like he would not actually do anything negatively towards Prince Harry because I think he really values his relationship with King Charles.

“King Charles reached out to him personally after the assassination attempt, but if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle try to meddle in what could be a really nasty election I almost feel like the gloves are off.”

Kinsey’s comments were echoed by Mr O’Sullivan who explained why he felt the “real people of Britain” liked Trump and how he might not say anything at all about the duo if he were victorious later this year.

Mr O’Sullivan said: “I tell you what British people like about Donald Trump. The real people of Britain appreciate Donald Trump because he’s always stuck up for our Queen.

“He loves our country, he loves Britain because his mother was Scottish and he loves the royal family and what he said about Harry and Meghan he said, his actual quote was ‘I think they hurt Her Majesty bad, think they broke her heart’.

“I think he’s bang on there and he said because of that, because of the way Harry treated the Queen, if his visa issue crops up and I’m president, I ain’t going to help him.

“He’ll go with the flow. My suspicion is what will happen if he gets in on November 5…is he’ll just let it ride, he won’t say anything about Harry and Meghan.”