Black Widow: why did Scarlett Johansson file a complaint when the movie came out?

Scarlett Johansson’s Lawsuit Against Disney Over Black Widow Release

When Marvel’s highly anticipated Black Widow movie premiered in 2021, it was met with both critical acclaim and behind-the-scenes controversy. The film’s star, Scarlett Johansson, stirred up headlines when she filed a lawsuit against Disney, the parent company of Marvel Studios.

The crux of Johansson’s complaint centered around the film’s release strategy. Rather than debuting exclusively in theaters, Disney opted for a hybrid release, making Black Widow available both in cinemas and through its streaming service Disney+ for a Premier Access fee.

In her suit, Johansson argued that this decision violated her contract, which she claimed guaranteed an exclusive theatrical release. The actress alleged that the dual-release model had a negative impact on her backend box office earnings, which were based in part on the film’s theatrical performance.

Johansson’s legal team asserted that Disney was “aiming to save money” by releasing Black Widow on streaming, at the expense of the film’s stars who had negotiated compensation packages tied to box office receipts. The lawsuit characterized Disney’s actions as “an intentional,” “short-sighted” decision that “deliberately” ignored “the promises made to drive the success of the picture.”

Disney fired back, calling the suit “sad and distressing in its callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.” The company maintained that the hybrid release strategy was a necessary response to the pandemic’s impact on the theatrical landscape.

Ultimately, the high-profile dispute was settled out of court, with Disney and Johansson reaching an undisclosed agreement. However, the case shone a light on the tension between talent and studios as the industry navigates the evolving world of film distribution.

Johansson’s willingness to take legal action against the mighty Disney organization highlighted the leverage that top stars can wield, even when facing off against entertainment conglomerates. The outcome of the lawsuit likely set an important precedent for how A-list actors will approach contract negotiations going forward.