Scarlett Johansson’s Expletive Outburst After Surprise Sliming by Colin Jost Delights Fans.


So, Scarlett Johansson took home the Generation Award at Sunday night’s 2021 MTV Movie and TV Awards and accepted her shiny popcorn trophy from the comfort of her house. Except it wasn’t that comfortable because her husband, Colin Jost, decided to go ahead and slime her. By which I mean he walked in with a bowl full of green slime and poured it all over Scarlett’s head while she was just like, “What the f*ck?” His response? “MTV! You got slimed!”

I mean, sure, yes, but slime is usually a tradition at Nickelodeon’s Kids Choice Awards, not the MTV Movie and TV Awards. Which, ahem, Scarlett pointed out.

ANYWAY, ScarJo went ahead and gave her speech despite the slime of it all, saying, per Us Weekly, “Thank you so much for this honor! Watching that reel reminds me of all the incredibly inspiring collaborators that I have been fortunate enough to work with for over three decades. I never would have been able to continue to evolve as an actor for the last 30 years without the support and dedication of so many cast and crew members that made up the nomadic traveling circus family that are movie sets.”

She also thanked her fans, saying, “Thank you so much to my fans for riding with me and for supporting my career so I can continue to have the good fortune to pursue the job that is my passion. I realize what an absolute gift it is to have the opportunity to do what I love and I couldn’t do it without your continued support. This award is made possible by all of you, in fact, and it’s because of that that it’s so meaningful to me.”