Add a Little Oil to Your Morning Coffee to Make It Better

Ever thought about putting some oil in your daily cup of coffee? This small tip can transform your typical cup of coffee into something very remarkable, even though it might seem a little out of the norm. It not only improves flavor but has unexpected health advantages as well. Let’s explore the world of oil-infused coffee and discover how to prepare your own customized cup of bliss at home.

Why Make Your Coffee with Oil?

Because of the possible health benefits, adding oil to your coffee—also referred to as “bulletproof coffee”—has becoming more and more popular. Coconut oil and MCT oil are the most often used oils. These oils are well known for encouraging a feeling of fullness and for offering a rapid source of continuous energy. You can help balance your blood sugar levels and prolong periods of satisfaction by putting them in your coffee.

How to Make Your Own Ingredients for Bulletproof Coffee:

One cup of hot coffee, just brewed

One tablespoon MCT oil or coconut oil

Add a dash of sugar, a bit of cinnamon, or a splash of cream if desired.


Make Your Coffee: Start by making a cup of your preferred hot, freshly brewed coffee. Any brewing method will do, whether you use an espresso machine, French press, or drip coffee maker.

Put the Oil in: Put one spoonful of MCT or coconut oil into a blender along with your hot coffee.

Mix It Up: Process on high for 20 to 30 seconds, or until the mixture gets creamy and foamy. An immersion blender or a whisk can be used in place of a blender if you don’t have one.

Optional Add-Ins: You might try a little sugar, a dash of cinnamon, or a splash of cream for an additional flavor boost. Mix everything together just until combined.

Have fun: Pour yourself some rich, foamy coffee.

The Advantages of Including Oil in Your Coffee: Increases Vitality You may prevent the mid-morning energy slump by consuming the beneficial fats in the oil, which offer a consistent energy source. Bid farewell to those lazy mornings!

Encourages Satiety: If you’re trying to control your weight, adding oil to your coffee can make you feel fuller for longer. Continue to feel happy and fulfilled all day.

Enhances Flavor: You can achieve a thick, creamy texture that takes your coffee to a whole new level of indulgence with just a dash of oil. RIP, store-purchased creamers and sweeteners!

You may easily improve your morning routine by adding oil to your coffee routine. If you give it a shot, you could discover that making your own coffee is just as satisfying as buying expensive ones. Take a sip, enjoy, and welcome the beginning of an amazing day!