How to use baking soda to treat a urinary tract infection

A bacterium on the urinary tract causes urinary infections, or as the general public refers to them, cystitis.

The primary symptoms of the illness include frequent urination accompanied by pain or stinging.Although women are more likely to get the condition, men in their third age are equally susceptible. This kind of infection arises from many microorganisms that enter the urine system, proliferate, and eventually cause abnormal alterations in the kidneys and urinary tract’s regular functioning.

When a urinary tract infection persists for more than two days, medical attention is typically necessary.

If left untreated, a urinary tract infection can spread to the kidneys, escalating the severity of the condition. Try putting one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water to help flush out the infection and stop a UTI from coming on.

Urine’s acidity is neutralized by the bicarbonate, hastening the healing process. Consequently, you can effectively eliminate the urinary infection by drinking one glass of water mixed with half a teaspoon of bicarbonate every day for ten days.