As Tonga Loa is anointed into The Bloodline, Kevin Owens and The Street Profits ruin the ceremony by attacking the group.

Bayley was in the ring for a promo and was interrupted by Piper Niven and Chelsea Green. Niven ended up shining in this segment and came across as an intimidating presence.

Due to what happened during the opening segment, KO, Ford and Dawkins teamed up to take on Sikoa, Tama and Loa. B-Fab came out but did not stay for the match.

Unsurprisingly, these six men brought the same fire and energy to this match as they did to the brawl at the top of the show. It didn’t just look like they all wanted to win. It looked like The Bloodline was out to injure its opponents.

Sikoa nailed Ford with a Spear instead of his usual Samoan Spike before everyone from The Bloodline put KO through the announce desk with a triple powerbomb.

The match ended in a disqualification, but The Bloodline were the ones standing tall when it was over.

Result: KO and Profits won by DQ

Grade: B

Notable Moments and Observations

    • We got a promo from Paul shot in his house. He said Knight doesn’t even warrant his attention.
    • The little rampage Dawkins had to start the match was awesome. He has gotten so agile and quick on his feet.
    • Tama took a nasty bump falling out of the ring at one point.
    • Tonga’s missed clothesline and tumble out of the ring was a good spot.