Scarlett Johansson shines on red carpet despite unflattering dress.

When it comes to red carpet glamour, Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson rarely puts a stiletto out of place.

But last night the screen siren fell short of high expectations after opting to keep her trademark curves hidden under an unflattering confection at a gala dinner in Oslo.

Scarlett, who is in the throes of a European promotional tour for her movie The Spirit, opted for a strapless gown with peculiar origami-style neckline and mid-calf hemline that struggled to do her impressive form justice.

Gorgeous face, shame about the dress: Scarlett Johansson at the gala dinner in Oslo, held in honour of the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

But not even the unusual choice of frock was enough to detract from her natural  beauty, and she still managed to dazzle onlookers as she arrived at the Grand Hotel.

The 24-year-old joined a host of stars out in force at a dinner for this year’s Nobel Prize winner – former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari.

Also at the event was Diana Ross, who brought along her two sons.

The 64-year-old singing star dazzled in a floor-length black dress with matching shawl.

Reign supreme: Diana Ross arrived with her two sons]

A dapper Sir Michael Caine showed his support too, accompanied by his elegant wife Shakira.

Mr Ahtisaari, 71, won the prestigious award for more than 30 years of diplomacy in trying to resolve conflicts in places such as Namibia, the Balkans and Indonesia.

He was selected from a near record 197 nominees – 16 more than in 2007 and just short of the record of 199 set in 2005.

VIP guests: Sir Michael Caine and wife Shakira Caine arrive at the Norwegian Nobel Committe Banquet