Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s adopted son Pax, 19, slams father in explosive Instagram rant.

Brad Pitt‘s son Pax called his father a ‘world class a**hole’ who makes his four youngest children ‘tremble in fear’ in an explosive Instagram rant posted for Father’s Day 2020, can reveal.

The star has found it ‘depressing to see this dragged up‘, according to sources close to him, who went on to rubbish the claims.

But in a cutting post, Pax wrote: ‘You have made the lives of those closest to me a constant hell.’

‘You may tell yourself and the world whatever you want,’ he added., ‘but the truth will come to light someday.

Then he sarcastically added: ‘So Happy Father’s Day, you f*****g awful human being.’

Angelina Jolie adopted Pax from an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in 2007. He was three years old and had been dumped as a newborn by his heroin-addicted biological mother.

Brad formally adopted him the following year. can reveal Pax Jolie-Pitt, 19, accused his dad of making his life ‘hell’ in an extraordinary social media rant in 2020

The rant was accompanied by a photo of Pitt receiving an Oscar for best supporting actor and posted on Pax’s private Instagram story on Father’s Day 2020

Brad Pitt won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood in February 2020

When Pitt, 59, and Jolie, 48, split in 2016 just two years after they had married in a private ceremony in France, the children stayed with their mother amid reports of an altercation aboard a private jet between eldest son Maddox and his father.

Now it is clear that the relationship between Pax and Pitt is also troubled with the 19-year-old accusing his dad of making his life ‘hell’ in the extraordinary social media rant.

Pax posted the broadside at Pitt to the stories section of his private Instagram account when he was 16. He accompanied it with a photo of Brad receiving an Oscar for best supporting actor for Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood four months earlier.

A source has confirmed the private account does belong to Pax. ‘It’s the account he uses for friends – friends from school mostly. He never says much about his parents, keeps himself to himself, so that was unusual.’

Pax did not say if there was a specific event that had set him off or whether it was a culmination of years of tension

In his post, Pax called his adoptive father ‘a world class a**hole’ adding: ‘You time and time and again prove yourself to be a terrible and despicable person

‘You have no consideration or empathy toward your four youngest children who tremble in fear when in your presence.

‘You will never understand the damage you have done to my family because you’re incapable of doing so.’

Although Pax was the third child – after brother Maddox and sister Zahara – that Jolie adopted, he is one year older than Zahara.

The four youngest children, who he claimed Pitt made tremble would be Zahara, now 18, and the couple’s three biological children, Shiloh, 17, and 15-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.

Jolie and Pitt met on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith in 2005 while he was still married to Jennifer Aniston. They insisted at the time that there was no infidelity but after a picture emerged of them on a beach in Kenya with Maddox, Aniston filed for divorce.

But their fairytale romance fell apart in 2016 and the couple once known as ‘Brangelina’ have been embroiled in acrimonious battles ever since.

Pax and dad Brad are pictured in 2014 before Brad and Angie’s split. ‘So, Happy Father’s Day, you f***ing awful human being!!!’ Pax wrote

Pax said in the rant that Brad makes his four youngest children ‘tremble in fear.’ All six of their children – Pax, 19, Maddox, 22, Zahara, 18, Shiloh, 17, and twins Knox and Vivienne, 15, are pictured with Angie in 2018

Their divorce was finalized in 2019, and although Jolie initially had full custody of the children, an agreement was thrashed out in 2021 that allowed Pitt to have them 50 per cent of the time.

Pax, 19, was adopted at age three by Angelina Jolie in 2006 having spent his early years in a Vietnamese orphanage

But shortly afterwards, John Ouderkirk, the judge in charge of the case, was revealed to have close business relationships with Pitt’s lawyers.

As a result, he was disqualified from the case and custody was returned to Jolie with Pitt allowed ‘custodial visits’ only.

Pitt was also investigated by the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services over child abuse allegations following the alleged altercation with Maddox on a private jet five days before Jolie filed for divorce.

Maddox is said to have stood up for Jolie during a fight between his parents.

A source later told People, Pitt had been drunk at the time, adding: ‘There was an argument between him and Angelina.

‘There was a parent-child argument which was not handled in the right way and escalated more than it should have.’

Jolie told authorities Pitt had behaved ‘like a monster’ on the jet.

The former couple are pictured at Brie-Champniers airport in France as they board a private jet with their kids in 2007 – a year before Jolie’s claims that Pitt flew into a rage, grabbing her by the head, shaking her, and shoving her into a bathroom wall before punching the ceiling numerous times while on a private jet
