Scarlett Johansson on desire and wanting it all during pregnancy.

Scarlett Johansson’s rise to fame came with š‘ eš‘„y role’s such as the teenage ingenue in Lost in Translation, but she tellsĀ The Wall Street Journal magazine, in its April issue that she is tired of being š‘ eš‘„y.

‘I don’t want to be the ingenue anymore,’ the 29-year-old says. ‘It’s nice to be glamorous, but I don’t want to always be an object of desire. Because it doesn’t last.’

Instead she hopes for a varied career, in which she can ‘selfishly’ juggle her film work with family life.

Colorful star: Scarlett Johansson opens up in Wall Street Journal magazine about her family life and career

The pregnant star also opens up in the interview about her increasingly varied career, her relationship with fiance Romain Dauriac and her hopes for a family life.

‘There must exist a world in which I can balance those things, be able to raise a family and still make a film a year, or work on my own, develop things, do theater. I want to be able to have it all. Selfishly,’ she told WSJ.

It seems so stressful to not be able to spend time with your family because you’re constantly chasing the tail of your own success,’ she told the magazine.

The curvy star also opened up about her relationship with Frenchman Dauriac, whom she met in 2012.

The New York born-and-raised actress now spends most of her time living in Paris with him.

She said yes: The actress confirmed to the magazine that she is engaged and the couple is said to be expecting

Together forever: The Lost in Translation star is engaged to Frenchman Romain Dauriac

The star, known for her š‘ eš‘„y voice, did the interview to promote the upcoming superhero movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

After many indie films and critically acclaimed work the Tony winner had a desire to be part of a popcorn blockbuster.

‘I was like, I want to be part of something big like that,’ she told the magazine. ‘I want to be in a really successful, huge film that’s good and works.

‘I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. I wanted to stretch myself physically, out of my comfort zone, and still succeed. I’m probably like most actors. We have huge egos, and you want to know you can be successful, no matter what. I don’t want to be pigeonholed in one genre or budget or whatever.

Legion of fans: Scarlett said her friend’s children are now ‘into her’ after her appearances in Iron Man and Avengers Assemble

I am the Captain now: Scarlett poses with co-stars Samuel Jackson and Chris Evans at a Captain Amierica: The Winter Soldier publicity event

Her first foray into big-budget films was as Natasha Romanoff – the Black Widow – in Iron Man 2, a role she reprised for Avengers, and again in next month’s The Winter Soldier.

She’ll also don the familiar catsuit in Avengers 2 due in 2015 and a Black Widow film has been announced.

‘My friends’ kids are way more into me than they were before,’ she says of her newfound commercial success. ‘I don’t think they were even allowed to see half the movies I’m in.’

She hasn’t given up on smaller films, however.

Scarlett, in black and white: The star grew up in New York but now spends most of her time living in Paris

Opening the same weekend as Winter Soldier is Under the Skin, an indie film in which she plays an alien who preys on men in Glasgow.

She also stars later this year in Lucy, about a drug mule who swallows her cargo, giving her superpowers.

‘I’d rather take the chance of a film not working than be stuck in a pattern of making the same movie over and over,’ she says.

But the star, who was once married to actor Ryan Reynolds, knows it won’t be that easy.

‘I know that with that there will be some sacrifices. I know that’s the struggle with working mothers and successful careers. It happens.’

Describing her relationship, the mom-to-be says: ‘Our life is quiet.’

She was also vague about wedding plans: ‘Our plan is to get married at some point.’

Making the rounds: Scarlett wore a š‘ eš‘„y black and white ensemble earlier this month at the Captain America 2 premiere in Los Angeles and a red dress for the London premiere

Pants in Paris: Scarlett wore a black blouse, red pants and red coat for the Paris premiere of Captain America: The Winter Soldier
