Angelina Jolie bans daughter from interacting with Suri Cruise, shocking reason revealed.

Suri Cruise and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt are the daughters of two of Hollywood’s most famous couples. Despite being at the same age and from a prestigious background, the two “Hollywood princesses” could not become friends.

Shiloh Jolie Pitt was born in May 2006. Meanwhile, Suri Cruise was born 1 month before. Both are the first children of two powerful families in Hollywood.

According to the media, 2006 was the peak year for celebrity news. It is not surprising that Shiloh and Suri were welcomed by the two biggest magazines of all time, Vanity Fair and People , and awarded a beautiful position on the cover.

Cruise-Holmes b.aby Suri appeared in 22 pages of Vanity Fair, including a featured cover. Shiloh is no less competitive when she is on the cover of People magazine, alongside powerful parents Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

According to the New York Post, People had to spend $ 4.1 million to receive the nod of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. This is an exclusive photo and the first time the powerful star couple let their daughter appear in public. The Jolie-Pitt family then donates all proceeds to charities.

In the following years, both girls have repeatedly occupied the air of magazines with colorful children’s fashion. Suri is always dressed in splendid and expensive outfits when appearing with her parents. She often travels around the world, participating in many b.ig events that make the public admire.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt also inherited the beauty from her parents, bringing her own pure and beautiful look.

When she was a b.aby, Shiloh was very plump and pretty like a doll with b.ig round blue eyes, shiny blonde hair and chubby cheeks, looking like a b.aby angel.

Therefore, it is not surprising that they were all called “Hollywood princesses” during their happy parents’ years.

Their lives began in the pampering of famous parents, but sadly Shiloh and Suri’s picturesque family didn’t last.

Suri is the only c.hild in a five-year marriage (2006-2012) between Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. The divorce between the two stars took place quickly. Custody of b.aby Suri was given to Katie Holmes 11 days after the couple took each other to court. Since the family broke up, Suri has not seen her father for more than 10 years. Currently, Suri Cruise lives with her mother in New York.

After many years together, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie announced their separation in 2016. This is one of the most regrettable divorces in Hollywood history. After the divorce, the couple entered a custody battle. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spent six years still not finalizing their divorce, spending millions of dollars in litigation fees.

The biggest thing Suri and Shiloh have in common is that two Hollywood girls have a close relationship with their mother.

A source said that although there are many similarities, Shiloh and Suri cannot become friends. It is known that common friends of Angelina Jolie and Katie Holmes suggested to the two mothers to organize outings so that Shiloh – Suri would be close to each other when they were children. However, both Angelina and Katie politely refused.

The main reason for this decision is probably because Angelina and Katie do not want the media to pay too much attention to their children. Jolie is protective of her children. Her children live in the family and do not use social networks at all. And Katie is equally tight-lipped. Because she wanted Suri to develop normally, she rarely shared about her daughter and let her appear on her personal page.

In addition, Angelina Jolie’s education is also different from Katie’s. Jolie homeschooled 6 children and gave them the right to choose their favorite languages as well as the arts, sports, and fashion styles. Also for this reason, since childhood, Shiloh has followed the personality tomboy style.

As for Katie, she left Suri to study at school and mingle with her friends. Thanks to that, Suri can travel by public transport, hang out with a group of close friends and get used to simple things.
