A war fought. A kingdom left behind. A journey beyond the edge of the world. The Odyssey follows the legendary Odysseus as he embarks on his perilous voyage home after the Trojan War. Faced with divine wrath, monstrous creatures, and the weight of time itself, Odysseus must navigate the trials of the gods, the temptations of power, and the cost of survival. From the towering wrath of Polyphemus to the hypnotic call of the Sirens, from Circe’s illusions to the final battle for Ithaca—this is the odyssey of a man destined to become a legend. This is a fan-made concept trailer, imagining how Christopher Nolan would bring this timeless epic to life with his signature storytelling, mind-bending cinematography, and gripping realism. Christopher Nolan has started filming his next project, The Odyssey. Backed by Universal Pictures, this star-studded epic follows Nolan’s Academy Award-winning Oppenheimer (2023) and brings together several familiar collaborators, both on and off the screen.