Scarlett Johansson trained hard to wear Black Widow’s bodysuit.

The beauty trained for three to six weeks and maintained a strict diet to play Marvel’s 𝑠e𝑥y spy.

When Avengers: Endgame premiered, Scarlett Johansson’s name became hot again as Black Widow. She is one of the actors who has been with the Marvel Cinematic Universe the longest, since Iron Man 2 (2010). On Hollywood Reporter , the beauty told of her training regimen to transform herself into a hot female spy, often appearing in tight outfits.

When Avengers: Endgame premiered, Scarlett Johansson’s name became hot again as Black Widow. She is one of the actors who has been with the Marvel Cinematic Universe the longest, since Iron Man 2 (2010). On Hollywood Reporter , the beauty told of her training regimen to transform herself into a hot female spy, often appearing in tight outfits.

Scarlett never went to the gym before filming Black Widow. When preparing to film Iron Man 2 , she worked with expert Eric Johnson – who trained Ryan Gosling and Sebastian Stan. Actors care more about their ability to move and fit into their costumes than their weight.

Scarlett’s training process usually lasts three to six weeks, divided into three phases. At first, she practiced movement exercises to have a connection between mind and body. Phase two aims to improve strength, mainly exercises with weights. Eric said he wants Scarlett to have health similar to the character she plays. “Black Widow can lift 226 kg. We tried to recreate the image of that character with a normal person.” Scarlett Johansson – 1.6 m tall – can currently lift 111kg and do push-ups with 20kg weights on her back.

Scene of Scarlett Johansson working out.

In the final stage, Scarlett exercises to have a toned body for filming. The beauty does not like traditional cardio exercises (exercises that increase heart rate). She runs at speed, exercises with ropes and kettlebells. Scarlett chose these exercises because of her beautiful, elegant posture when practicing. “Many people often frown when practicing, but she doesn’t have that face unless she encounters a new challenge or the exercise is too difficult,” coach Johnson said. Some other subjects included in the program are gymnastics, yoga and pilates (a series of body exercises).

With Avengers: Endgame , Scarlett said she had difficulties with age and family. The beauty was 34 years old when she was preparing to film the blockbuster while also taking care of her 5-year-old daughter. “It’s hard to balance motherhood, exercise, and work,” she said. She practices four or five days a week, each session lasting 45 minutes to an hour, starting at six in the morning, before her daughter wakes up.

Actress in “The Avengers” (2012).

Scarlett Johansson also follows a strict diet to stay in shape and maintain energy. If her last meal of the day is at nine o’clock in the evening, she will not eat again before nine o’clock the next morning. Before training, she eats eggs, green vegetables and maybe some other substances.

In the few days before filming, she reduced her carbohydrate intake to have better curves. On low-carb consumption days, the beauty consumed exactly 115 grams of protein, 75 grams of carbohydrates and 50 grams of fat. On other days, this number is 105 grams of protein, 125 grams of carbohydrates and 35 grams of fat.

Looking back at her training process, Scarlett Johansson is satisfied with her progress: “I’m stronger and have better mobility than I did 10 years ago. That’s amazing. Being healthy is one of the best things about work for Marvel”. Upcoming, the female star will transform into Black Widow in a work about the character’s past.
