In a city on the brink of destruction, a shadowy vigilante rises from the shadows to confront his deadliest enemy to date—a mysterious…

En la continuación de nuestra historia, la lucha interna de Superman se intensifica mientras la sed de sangre lo envuelve en una oscuridad…

† Constantine 2: La caída de un Salvador Los rumores han rodeado durante mucho tiempo la posibilidad de una secuela del clásico Constantine…

Released in 2005 to mixed reviews, Constantine has since gained a strong following, and while its sequel remains uncertain, there are plenty of…

Más de un año después de que llegara al mercado por primera vez con un precio de casi 16 millones de dólares, la…

The serene Swiss estate where Hollywood icon Audrey Hepburn resided for her final three decades is now up for sale asking $20.8 million.…

The estate of the original author, Joseph Schuster, is suing Warner Bros. Discovery and DC Comics over James Gunn’s Superman film, which is…

Reality TV bombshell Khloe Kardashian has said that she wants to have 𝑠e𝑥 again after a long dry spell. The 40-year-old star revealed on her Dear Media…

Kim Kardashian shocked viewers by whipping off her wig to reveal her real frazzled hair during the season six premiere of Hulu’s The Kardashians on Thursday.…