A feature film adaptation of Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey is planned by Christopher Nolan, who is well-known for his inventive storytelling and cinematic prowess. This project, which is slated for release on July 17, 2026, is Nolan’s first attempt to tackle Greek mythology and promises a new take on the beloved story.
While specific roles have not been officially disclosed, it’s anticipated that these actors will portray key figures from the epic, such as Odysseus, Penelope, Telemachus, and Athena. Nolan plans to utilize cutting-edge IMAX technology to capture the grandeur of Odysseus’s journey, filming across various global locations to authentically depict the diverse landscapes encountered in the tale. This approach aligns with Nolan’s commitment to immersive storytelling, as seen in his previous works like Interstellar and Oppenheimer.
Universal Pictures, continuing its collaboration with Nolan following the success of Oppenheimer, will distribute the film. The studio describes the project as a “mythic action epic,” aiming to bring Homer’s foundational saga to IMAX screens for the first time.