Strange town where all 6,000 residents live on one street.

That’s a lot of neighbours for the Christmas card list

With disagreements over everything from parking spaces and unkempt gardens to excessive noise or antisocial behaviour, sometimes neighbours don’t always become good friends.

Getting to know the rest of the street can be great if it means homemade cakes or Deborah next door taking a parcel in for you, but many people will know all too well that the wholesome suburban dream isn’t usually the reality.

In the UK, we get people arguing with blokes having cocktails in a wheelie bins, pettily chopping down half a tree and hoovering their astroturf daily to get rid of next door’s blossom petals.

But while some of us might struggle with just a handful of neighbours, there’s one town in Europe where all of the 6,000 residents live on the same street – and, by the sounds of it, they love it.

Can’t imagine delivering the Christmas cards would be a five-minute job after dinner though, would it?

Dubbed ‘Little Tuscany’ due to its unusual layout, Sułoszowa is a village in southern Poland that lies around 29km north-west of Kraków, with all of the action clustered along a single, 9km street.

According to CSO Poland, as of 2017 it had a population of 5,819 – all of whom live in harmony alongside one another with long strips of land for gardens.

After an aerial image of the village went viral on Twitter earlier this month, some of its inhabitants piped up to explain what it was like living there.

“I wouldn’t trade this place for anything else. It has its own charm and atmosphere. As the saying goes, there’s something about it,” one said, adding: “The whole place looks the same: there is a house and then a strip of field, hence the beauty of the photos. One has grain, the other has rapeseed, and the third has something else. The colors look beautiful from above.”

Another image was posted on Reddit, where someone asked if each property had its very own strip of farmland behind their house.

Someone responded: “I just showed this to my Polish friend and he said yes!”

They continued: “Each house has that strip of land to do whatever on, hence different colours and they are using the land for different purposes. Some grow crops on it, others have animals, some just leave it.