Gunther once again refuses to face Sami Zayn

Gunther again turns down title fight against Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn is especially motivated after meeting Bret Hart last week and wants to get his hands on the World Heavyweight Championship because the WWE Universe deserves a champion who is here, week after week. But unfortunately, Gunther has refused to face him every time he has proposed it, and the reason is because the Austrian thinks that Sami is not at his level. Zayn does not agree with that. Zayn thinks that it is on Gunther’s mind because he remembers what happened in Philadelphia during WrestleMania XL. Because if they were to face each other in a second part, Gunther knows that Sami would beat him again. Gunther is afraid.

“Of all people, why you? What are you doing demanding a match against Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship? And what is this about Gunther being afraid of you? Gunther is the most threatening figure working today. I am here to save you from the embarrassment of a lifetime. Without a doubt, WrestleMania was the greatest night of your career. For the first and only time your family looked up to you, instead of down. Let me give you some advice: miracles never happen twice. Sami, take that and enjoy it, because that (beating Gunther again) will not happen again ,” says Ludwig Kaiser on his way to the ring.

Sami Zayn declares that Gunther doesn’t need Ludwig Kaiser, but he also thinks that the German doesn’t need the Austrian. If Kaiser thinks he can gain respect by being Gunther’s mouthpiece, he’s wrong. He doesn’t need to speak for him, he should at least have the balls to speak for himself, and for him. Gunther finally shows up. The World Champion confronts Kaiser first, in case he has something to say. “There’s something I’ve been trying to get off my chest for a long time…” Kaiser says, but only as a distraction to attack Sami Zayn. Ludwig neutralizes Zayn and Gunther again refuses a title match against the Canadian. Zayn still has some life left in him and manages to attack Kaiser with a “German Suplex” followed by a “Helluva Kick”. Gunther just watches, while Zayn continues to threaten to go for the gold.