Pete Dunne takes down Sheamus

Sheamus vs Pete Dunne

The Brit reacts by attacking with a “Sit-ou Powerbomb”, but his cover doesn’t make any progress. Sheamus points out to Dunne that the crowd is chanting “Butch”, but Dunne tries to downplay it and continue attacking. The Irishman responds with a “Powerslam” followed by a “Diving Knee Drop”; he counts to two. Pete escapes from his opponent’s hands to attack with an “Enzuigiri” followed by a kick.

Sheamus neutralizes Dunne again, this time with a “Powerslam” from the top of the corner; another two count. ‘The Celtic Warrior’ catches Dunne with a brutal “Beats of The Bodhran”. When the referee is distracted calling Sheamus’ attention, Pete arms himself with the Irishman’s cane. Sheamus neutralizes the attack, but Pete arms himself with a cricket bat to hit him. Dunne returns to the ring and finishes his opponent with a “Brogue Kick”. | »Winner: Pete Dunne.