Uncle Howdy deals Chad Gable a painful defeat

Uncle Howdy dominates the action in the opening minutes, so much so that Chad Gable has no choice but to leave the ring to rethink his strategy. Howdy chases Gable to ringside to attack him against the barricade and then the commentary table. The Wyatt Sicks member dismantles the table and returns to the ring to break the referee’s count. Gable reacts and attacks Howdy with an “Angle Slam” against the commentary table! Howdy returns to the ring before the referee’s count reaches ten.

Back in the ring, the action is in high gear in the corner. Chad Gable hits a Superplex on Uncle Howdy; the count stays at two after the brutal impact! Gable hits a German Suplex on his opponent to resume the action. Chad repeats the shot a couple more times and goes all out to end the fight. Uncle Howdy reacts out of nowhere and pushes Gable back before attacking him with an Uranage; the count stays at two. Neither competitor can take advantage at the close of Monday Night RAW ( August 26, 2024 ).

Howdy is in control and sends his opponent into the corner. Howdy hits an Elevated Swinging Neckbreaker on Gable! Uncle Howdy tries to end the match with a Sister Abigail, but Ivy Nile shows up in time to distract the referee! Chad Gable takes advantage of the situation to trap Howdy in an Ankle Lock; Howdy spins around and accidentally sends Gable into the referee. Uncle Howdy recovers to attack Gable until The Creed Brothers show up to attack him. Howdy laughs at the attack and the house lights go out to make way for The Wyatts to attack The Creeds.

Back in the ring, Chad Gable fails a Moonsault and succumbs to a Sister Abigail from Uncle Howdy. The American Made member can’t find the formula to reverse that attack and suffers a resounding individual defeat. Uncle Howdy celebrates the victory in his in-ring debut in WWE.