LA Knight is successful against Santos Escobar in his first defense as United States Champion

LA Knight vs Santos Escobar

Angel & Berto interrupt the introduction protocol to knock LA Knight out of the ring. The members of Legado del Fantasma attack the champion at ringside until they send him crashing into the steel steps. Jessika Carr ejects the Mexican duo before ringside as soon as they finish “their show,” and the referee also ejects Elektra Lopez due to the unjustified claim she was trying to make. Santos Escobar is on his own in this title fight.

LA Knight takes back control of the match by repeatedly sending his rival into the commentary table. “The Megastar” clears the table and prevents Santos from returning to the ring. Knight wastes some time listening to the crowd, which Escobar takes advantage of to react. Escobar’s “Double Knees” on Knight against the commentary table! Back in the ring, the Mexican tries to finish the match by attacking with a “Frog Splash”, but it’s not enough to win. The match continues to get complicated for the champion on WWE SmackDown ( August 23, 2024 ).

Both contenders are down on the canvas after Knight’s reaction. Escobar tries to surprise him, but is knocked down with a “Clothesline” and then with a “Neckbreaker”. LA Knight punishes Escobar against the corner and immediately after, knocks him down with an “Uranage”; he counts to two. Escobar shows signs of life attacking with a kick to his rival’s face. The actions go dangerously high in the corner; LA knocks Santos down. “Diving Elbow Drop” by LA Knight on Santos Escobar followed by a “BFT” for the victory! LA Knight RETAINS the United States Championship!