Clear Your Lungs and Alleviate Coughing within Three Days: A Natural Remedy for Bronchitis.

If you’re struggling with a persistent cough and congested lungs, this simple, natural remedy might just be what you need. Using ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen, this recipe can help soothe bronchitis symptoms and clear your lungs in just three days.


  • Lemon: 1 large
  • Garlic cloves: 5-6
  • Honey: 2 tablespoons

Why These Ingredients?

  • Lemon: Rich in vitamin C, lemons boost your immune system and have natural antibacterial properties.
  • Garlic: Known for its powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties, garlic helps in fighting infections and reducing inflammation.
  • Honey: A natural cough suppressant, honey also has antimicrobial properties and can soothe a sore throat.

Preparation Steps:

  1. Prepare the Lemon: Start by washing the lemon thoroughly. Cut it into small slices or wedges, removing any seeds. Lemons provide a strong dose of vitamin C which is crucial for your immune system.
  2. Crush the Garlic: Take 5-6 garlic cloves and crush them. Crushing garlic activates its beneficial compounds, making it more effective.
  3. Combine Ingredients: In a small bowl, mix the lemon slices and crushed garlic. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mixture and stir well. The honey will not only make the remedy more palatable but also add its soothing and antimicrobial benefits.
  4. Let It Sit: Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes. This allows the ingredients to blend and the garlic to infuse into the honey and lemon.
  5. Store: After 15 minutes, you can transfer the mixture to a small jar with a lid. Store it in the refrigerator.

How to Use It:

Take one teaspoon of this mixture three times a day. You can take it directly or mix it into a warm cup of water or tea. Make sure to stir well if adding to a liquid.

Additional Tips:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Warm teas and broths can be particularly soothing.
  • Rest: Make sure you get plenty of rest to help your body heal.
  • Humidity: Using a humidifier can keep the air moist and help ease your cough and congestion.

This simple, natural remedy can help you feel better quickly, easing your cough and helping to clear your lungs. If your symptoms persist or worsen, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider. Here’s to your health and comfort!