Former President Trump Slams LeBron James as ‘Racist’ Over Ma’Khia Bryant Shooting Comments.

In his latest controversial remarks, former President Donald Trump has accused NBA superstar LeBron James of being “racist” following the athlete’s comments about the police shooting of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant in Columbus, Ohio.

Donald Trump issued a statement from his Florida estate on Thursday condemning James

Trump claimed that James had posted a “you’re next” threat towards the officer who fatally shot Bryant, an incident that sparked renewed outrage over police use of lethal force against Black individuals.

“LeBron James should focus on basketball rather than presiding over the destruction of the NBA, which has just recorded the lowest television ratings, by far, in the long and distinguished history of the league,” Trump said in a scathing statement.

The former president went on to allege that James was “dividing” the country with his comments, which he described as “racist rants” against law enforcement.

James had tweeted a photo of the officer involved in the Bryant shooting, along with the caption “You’re next #AccountAbility,” before deleting the post amid backlash.

The Lakers star later clarified that his intent was not to target the specific officer, but to call for accountability in policing and the tragic killing of Black Americans.

However, Trump dismissed James’ explanation, doubling down on his accusations of racism and criticizing the NBA player’s activism on social issues.

This is not the first time Trump has sparred with James, who has been an outspoken critic of the former president. The two have a history of trading barbs, with Trump previously describing the NBA star as “a hater” and questioning his intelligence.

The latest clash between the two high-profile figures is sure to further inflame tensions at a time of ongoing national conversations around racism, police brutality and the role of sports stars in social justice movements.