Fig Tree Growth from Cuttings: An Easy and Original Technique

Do you want to start from cuttings and develop your own fig trees? There’s nowhere else to look! With our special technique, all you need is a 2-liter plastic container and a few simple steps. There are now straightforward and efficient ways to grow new fig trees instead of labor-intensive planting methods.

Supplies Required: 

One two-liter plastic d:bottle

Sand or potting mix that drains properly

Cuttings from fig trees, 6–8 inches long

Hormone for rooting (optional)A well-edged blade or pair of scissors

Twine or rubber bands

A spray bottle or misting bottle

Now let’s get going:

Get the cuttings ready: Select 6 to 8 inch long, healthy fig tree cuttings with buds on them. Rooting hormone can be applied to the roots to encourage growth if desired.

Make “Plus Sign” Holes: Punch a “+” sign hole on each sides of the 2-liter plastic bottle. Your fig tree cuttings should be able to pass through these openings without falling out.

Place the cuttings carefully into the holes you made in the “+” sign to hold the fig tree cuttings in place. Ensure their safety within the bottle.

To safeguard the cuttings, place a plastic wrap or bag over the bottle’s top and fasten it firmly with twine or elastic bands. In doing so, a greenhouse is created.

Keep it moist: It’s important to maintain a constant moisture level inside the bottle and around the cuttings. Frequently wet the cuttings with a spray or misting bottle. By doing this, the ideal environment for root growth is created.

Watch for growth: Occasionally check the cuttings to see if the roots are expanding. If they resist when you gently tug on them, it means that roots have grown.

Transplanting: You can move the cuttings to individual pots or your yard once they have developed roots and are large enough. There, they will thrive and become robust fig trees.

Recall that this unique technique for cultivating fig trees from cuttings demands patience more than effort. It may take a few weeks before you notice any noticeable improvements, but the outcome will