Harry Potter And The Cursed Child (2025) – First Trailer | Daniel Radcliffe

With the debut of The Cursed Child play on stage and the release of the first Fantastic Beasts movie in theaters, the Harry Potter universe saw a revival in 2016. The story, written by Jack Thorne, takes place 19 years after the events of The Deathly Hallows, when Albus, the son of Harry Potter, sets out on a time-traveling adventure with Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Draco Malfoy, and struggles with the weight of his father’s legacy. Described as “the eighth Harry Potter story,” this narrative was written in association with J.K. Rowling.

Warner Bros. is embarking on a Harry Potter reboot for Max, introducing a fresh cast of actors. This high-budget endeavor is envisioned as a decade-spanning project, indicating that the series’ adaptation of The Deathly Hallows won’t materialize until the mid-2030s.

The prospects of adapting The Cursed Child in the Max series appear uncertain, primarily due to the 19-year time leap, which would necessitate waiting several more years for the new cast to age appropriately—unless CGI aging techniques are employed.

Currently, The Cursed Child seems destined to remain solely on stage, with the exception of its availability in published script form.