“That’s the curse,” Jennifer Lawrence said, nearly killing a sound technician on the Hunger Games set due to her itchy butt

Sự cố ngứa ngáy của Jennifer Lawrence trên phim trường The Hunger Games.

As much as the Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence is renowned for her on-screen prowess, the actress is also known for her candid and goofy nature, often displayed during interviews. Such was the case when she was asked about an incident that happened on the set of the 2013 film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

Lawrence, who played the iconic character of Katniss Everdeen in the franchise, recalled filming in Hawaii for the dystopian film. However, the situation swiftly veered off course due to her uncomfortable bout of itching, leading to actions for which she would later face significant criticism.

Jennifer Lawrence’s Itchy Butt Almost Killed The Hunger Games Crew Member

During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show, The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence recalled an incident when she almost killed the “sound guy” on the production team while trying to scratch her butt. The actress explained that they were filming in Hawaii, and she was in a wet suit for most of the time.

I was in a wetsuit for this whole shoot,” she shared as she explained that there were “sacred rocks” and that they were told not to disturb or sit on them. “You’re not supposed to sit on them because you’re not supposed to expose your genitalia to them,” the actress recalled.

Despite the warnings, Lawrence admitted to using the rocks to relieve an itch caused by her wet suit, as she told the show host, “They were so good for butt itching!” And her actions caused one of the rocks to come loose. “It was a giant boulder, and it rolled down this mountain and almost killed our sound guy,” the actress recalled.

The actress shared that the incident alarmed the Hawaiian locals, who reacted by saying, “Oh my God, it’s the curse!” Lawrence humorously acknowledged her role in the mishap, stating, “I’m your curse. I wedged it loose with my a*s.” However, the story received backlash from people, leading the Silver Lining Playbook actress to issue a public apology.

Jennifer Lawrence’s Issues a Public Apology After Facing Criticism

While it was not the first time the Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence shared the story, the actress received a huge backlash for her actions in Hawaii and for the way she shared the whole story as being a funny incident. People criticized her for not using her platform on The Graham Norton Show to issue an apology for her mistake, instead of making light of the situation.

Kahokulua Haiku, một chuyên gia văn hóa người Hawaii, người có mặt để hỗ trợ nhóm sản xuất, sau đó đã chia sẻ lý do tại sao những tảng đá lại quan trọng đối với người bản xứ.  “Đó là một địa điểm khảo cổ,”  anh chia sẻ theo People. Anh chia sẻ thêm:  “Tôi là người thực hiện buổi giới thiệu văn hóa trên phim trường và tôi đã nói với cô ấy cũng như toàn bộ nhân viên sản xuất không được ngồi trên đá.

Ngôi sao của Hunger Games  cuối cùng đã đưa ra lời xin lỗi công khai. Lawrence chia sẻ rằng cô ấy không có ý thiếu tôn trọng người dân Hawaii. như  “Tôi thực sự nghĩ rằng tôi đang tự ti về việc tôi là ‘lời nguyền’ nhưng tôi hiểu cách nhìn nhận nó không hề buồn cười và tôi xin lỗi nếu tôi đã xúc phạm bất kỳ ai,”  cô nói, bày tỏ lời xin lỗi của mình trong một câu bài đăng trên Facebook hiện đã bị xóa.