Ariana Grande wants the world to know she doesn’t need a man.

Ariana Grande wants the world to know she doesn’t need a man.

The singer has delivered a full page rant via social media imploring people to stop linking her to guys and defining her by her relationships.

‘I am tired of living in a world where women are mostly referred to as a man’s past, present or future PROPERTY/POSSESSION,’ the 21-year-old wrote Sunday. ‘I do not. Belong. To anyone. But myself.’

Venting: Ariana Grande has posted a one page rant on social media saying she’s not any man’s property or possession and she’s annoyed at being described as Big Sean’s ex since splitting from the rapper in April

Not his property: The Break Free singer, 21, doesn’t want to be defined by her relationships, she said Sunday. It’s believed she split from Big Sean after he talked about her ‘billion dollar p***y’ in his song Stay Down

The former Nickelodeon star quoted feminist icon Gloria Steinem and bemoaned what she regards as the double standards between how men and women are treated.

If a woman has 𝑠e𝑥, she said, her reputation gets trashed but if a man has 𝑠e𝑥, ‘HE’S. A. STUD. a BOSSSSSS. A KING.’

‘If a woman even TALKS about 𝑠e𝑥 openly….she is shamed! But if a man talks or RAPS freely about all the women (or more commonly used “b**ches”/”h**s”…how lovely) he’s had…he is regaled.’

Ariana’s venting comes hot on the heels of a widely reported interview she gave in London to The Sun On Sunday in which she lashed out at speculation that she was newly dating One Direction’

Lashing out: The singer is angry at society’s different standards that mean men who have 𝑠e𝑥 are feted while women who have 𝑠e𝑥 are shamed. She’s seen performing at London’s Wembley stadium on Saturday


Blunt: Ariana denied reports she’s dating One Direction’s Niall Horan after spending time with him in London.  ‘A girl can be friends with someone with a d**k and not hop on it,’ she said in a UK interview

The two have been spotted spending time together at his home and a burlesque club while the petite brunette is in London kicking off the next leg of her Honeymoon tour.



‘A girl can be friends with someone with a d**k and not hop on it,’ she told the British newspaper.

‘I’m tired of needing to be linked to a guy. I’m not Big Sean’s ex. I’m not Niall’s new possible girl. I’m Ariana Grande.’

The My Everything performer dated rapper Big Sean, 27, for eight months before splitting in April.

It was widely speculated at the time that she pulled the plug on the romance because she felt humiliated by her boyfriend’s track Stay Down in which he rapped about her ‘billion dollar p***y.’

In Sunday’s letter to fans and the media, Ariana said she’d felt under pressure for eight years to be constantly linked with a man or risk being branded a loser;

‘After being on my own now for a few months I am realizing that that’s just not the case, she said.

‘I have never felt more present, grounded and satisfied. I’ve ever laughed harder or had more fun or enjoyed my life more.’


Sexing it up: The former teen star has embraced a raunchier style since releasing her second album My Everything last year. She favors thigh-high boots and flesh-revealing outfits when performing


Flaunting it: The 𝑠e𝑥y singleton isn’t shy about dressing provocatively on stage and has a number of flesh-revealing outfits on tap for her Honeymoon Tour. She’s seen here playing London’s O2 Arena last week

On Saturday, the R&B star rocked Wembley stadium in London as one of the headlining acts at Capital FM’s Summertime Ball.

Also on the bill was another former boyfriend Nathan Sykes of The Wanted whom she dated in 2013.

Ariana 𝑠e𝑥ed things up taking the stage in a tiny one-piece swimsuit and over-the-knee boots with towering heels.

She wore a diamond choker and Monica Vinader earrings, with her long brunette locks were gathered in a ponytail falling from the top of her head.


In her very revealing outfit, she strutted the stage in front of thousands of revelers as she went through a selection of her hits.

She has two more concerts in the UK this week followed by dates in Belgium, Germany and Spain before returning her tour to the U.S. in July.

Sisterhood: Ariana quoted feminist icon Gloria Steinem in her social media rant and insisted she’s never felt more satisfied than she has the past couple of months that she’s been single
