Alien vs. Predator 3 (2025) brings the iconic extraterrestrial showdown back to the big screen, delivering the ultimate battle between two of sci-fi’s most fearsome species. Set in the near future, the film explores an uncharted planet where a group of scientists and mercenaries accidentally trigger an ancient war between the deadly Xenomorphs and the ruthless Predators. As the creatures engage in a brutal battle for dominance, the human team must find a way to survive the carnage and escape the planet before it’s too late.The teaser trailer gives a glimpse of breathtaking action, showcasing massive intergalactic landscapes, terrifying close encounters with Xenomorphs, and high-octane fights between Predators wielding advanced weaponry. With the humans caught in the middle, the stakes are higher than ever as the two alien species clash in a battle that could have catastrophic consequences for the galaxy.