The best quotes from ‘Mr McMahon’, the Vince McMahon documentary on Netflix

Vince McMahon ‘s docu-series , “The Titan of WWE,” is finally available on Netflix , and it chronicles the rise and fall of one of the most controversial figures in the history of the wrestling industry.

This documentary has been a hot topic on social media, before and during its release, due to the controversial statements that were revealed during the filming of this content, most of which was compiled in the summer of 2022. In fact, Mr. McMahon did not finish participating in the series due to the federal charges brought against him in the Janel Grant case, and for this reason, the tycoon tried to buy the rights to the documentary to prevent its release. Clearly Netflix refused, leaving the following quotes as the most notable throughout the six episodes that make up this story.

Vince McMahon speaks out about Chris Benoit

«Christ Benoit was an excellent in-ring wrestler, and as far as we knew, a great guy. There is no correlation between steroid use and what happened to Chris Benoit. Humans are flawed. Chris went crazy. It happens in all life forms and everything. So that’s the only thing I can take from this.»

Vince McMahon on The Undertaker’s loss at WrestleMania XXX

Vince McMahon reveals that Undertaker was not happy with losing his WrestleMania streak to Brock Lesnar. For Mr. McMahon, Taker suffered “some sort of psychological shock” for not agreeing with the decision.

— Undertaker: «About 5-10 minutes into the match, I suffered a concussion. The match lasted about 25 minutes, but to this day I can’t remember it.»

— Vince McMahon: «That could have happened (a concussion), but I think Mark just didn’t remember any of it because it was so traumatic for him.»

Vince McMahon Speaking About Owen Hart’s Passing

«Owen was supposed to fly, so to speak, like we had done before, from the rafters of the building. Thank God, for the audience, we couldn’t see the show. Thank God. When the lights came up, they saw Owen in the ring and the medical staff attending to him. We wondered if Owen could be alive or not. He really could be.

The decision I basically had to make (after I found out Owen had been declared dead) was whether or not to go on with the show. The live audience didn’t really see what happened. If they had, there’s no question about it, the show would have to be ended. Those people came to see a show. They didn’t come to see someone die. And I, as a businessman, think, ‘OK, let’s move on. Let’s continue with the show.’

There was actually a lot of negative feedback about whether the show should have continued or not. Naturally, Bret will feel like a brother. He had every right to say anything negative about our company. If it had been me, not just my son, if it had been me that had been ‘thrown to the ground,’ as Bret said, I would have wanted the show to go on. ‘Get me out of there and let the show go on.’ He would do that with me. To this day.

As far as Owen was concerned, we basically settled a lawsuit with his wife. And then we found out (and we thought from the beginning) that it wasn’t our fault. Unfortunately, the device they were using was defective and the manufacturer knew it, so we sued the manufacturer.

Paul Heyman tells an anecdote about Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon

«Shane had an idea that he really believed in, but Vince didn’t agree with it at all. And, as with most things that happen to Vince, once they start to go downhill, they go downhill very quickly.

Finally, Vince turned to Shane and said, ‘Not while I’m alive. ‘ And Vince, who was eating something, took his knife and handed it to Shane, and said, ‘Right there (points to his heart). If you want this so bad, then stick the knife in here, because that’s what you’re going to have to do to make that decision. And if you don’t stick it in here, then I know you’re not man enough to do it, and I have to take that into account, too. Or you can buy me, like I bought my father, and if I don’t get out of your way, be prepared to get rid of me, like I would have had to get rid of my father when he didn’t do things my way at all. ‘

Tony Atlas contradicts Vince McMahon about his feelings towards his father

— Vince McMahon: «And I had the opportunity to really care about my dad and love him…»

— Tony Atlas: «I don’t think he liked his father… to be honest with you.»

Vince McMahon on how Wendi Richter was stripped of her championship

Vince McMahon: “Wendi Richter was the champion and everything was going well for a while, but Wendi had become a problem, as I recall. When it came time to do the honors and pass the championship on to someone else, she balked. And it’s like, this is show business. You know, I’m writing a script. You have my championship belt. “It’s mine, it’s not yours. I’m not going to give it up” (Wendi said). Well, fine. I’m going to make you give it up.

The crowd is expecting a match. You don’t want to fire someone when you’re expecting a match, because you’re screwing the crowd. So just have the match in the ring, like my dad used to say, and then you’ll figure it out. The match is in the ring, Wendi has the championship. It’s very easy. At some point in this match, Wendi is going to get squashed. I just told the referee, “Count to three.”

Wendi Richter: «The referee counted: ‘One’. I raised my shoulder and he counted: ‘Two, three’, even with my shoulders off the canvas. It was a very painful night. My dreams were shattered. I felt humiliated and I saw it on television.

Vince McMahon: “I didn’t care. The crowd was outraged… ‘Oh my God, that wasn’t a fair match.’ My response to that is life isn’t fair sometimes and I don’t fight fairly.”

Wendi Richter: «There’s a saying in wrestling: ‘It’s nothing personal, it’s just business.’ And I think that’s what Vince McMahon is. He’s a businessman.»

Vince McMahon: «Wendi came back after the match. She looked at me, bowed her head and walked away. That was the last time I saw Wendi. But for me, it was nothing personal. This is business and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for our business.»

Stephanie McMahon on her early WWE career

“When I was younger in my career, I was willing to do whatever he (Vince) wanted. I look back on some of the things I did and I think, ‘Oh my God, I can’t believe I did that. ’ Yeah, for sure. I thought it was a little weird, but it was a different time in our business.”

Vince McMahon even revealed that he scrapped the idea of ​​his character, ‘Mr. McMahon’, getting his daughter, Stephanie McMahon, pregnant.

Bret Hart on beating Vince McMahon

“I hit him with all my strength. I knocked him unconscious. It was probably the best thing I ever did in my life and he deserved everything.”

That was Bret Hart’s statement after the famous ‘Montreal Betrayal’. Vince McMahon looked really bad after that blow, he even said that he probably had a concussion.