Beyoncé’s ‘Obama-Inspired’ Earrings Spark Massive Sales Spike.

Badges, T-shirts and iPhone cases are just a few examples of Obama 2012 merchandise you can buy to show your support.

But Beyonce took it one blinging step further on Saturday by wearing a pair of earrings with the President’s name on them.

And now sales for these earrings have gone through the roof with 1000s of pairs being snapped up by fans across the world.

BAMA: Beyonce shows her support for Barrack Obama by wearing tribute earrings with is name on it

Golden tribute: The $32 earrings designed by Erika Peña

Speaking to TMZ, Erika says she’s now sold over 1,300 pairs with London credited as the city making the most orders.

Some may think the designer has missed a key letter from the democratic candidate’s name, but the circular shape of the hoop also stands for the first letter: O-BAMA.

Beyonce has always been a vocal supporter of the President.

Political: Beyonce often uses fashion to show her support for Obama having previously painted his name on her nails

The Dream Girls actress has often attended and performed at benefits and dinners the President has put on.

Her most memorable performance was at the Commander in Chief’s inaugural ball where she sang Etta James’ At Last whilst President Obama danced with his First Lady Michelle.

Earlier this year the Grammy-award winning singer used fashion to show her support for the first black President, with the letters of his second name painted on each of her nails.

Since then many have been quick to praise Beyonce for her fashionable activism, with CocoPerez saying, ‘now we can always count on Beyonce to be stylish and politically correct!’

On full display: The singer pulled her hair into a topknot to fully show-off her politically active earrings as she dined out with husband Jay-Z

Her husband has been just as supportive, using his music to highlight his backing for Obama.

Jay-Z most likely enjoyed his wife’s golden tribute as they enjoyed dinner in New York on Saturday night.

It was a casual evening for the pair, who covered up in a jumper and hoody that kept them warm as they dined outside.

Even though the temperature had dropped, the winter sun was still high in the sky and so the couple wore some rather quirky sunglasses to protect their eyes.

However, Blue Ivy was notably absent from the occasion; the proud parents clearly enjoying a night off from their typical baby duties.

Shady couple: Beyonce and Jay-Z protect their eyes from the winter sun in quirky sunglasses
