Did You Know? 27,000 trees are cut down each day to produce toilet paper.

We ALL do it every single day. You know, use the toilet. And unless we live in Finland, South-East Asia, South Asia or the Middle East where bidet showers are common or installed one in your home, you are using toilet paper when the deed is done. I wanted to know what effect using toilet paper had on our environment, so I decided to do a little research.

Did you know, it is estimated that roughly 27,000 trees are cut down every single day in order to provide toilet paper for the world? Let me repeat this – 27,000 trees are cut down EVERY SINGLE DAY so we can wipe our bums!  Americans on an average use 23.6 rolls of toilet paper per person every year. Worldwide, that is the equivalent of almost 270,000 trees being flushed or dumped in landfills every day and roughly 10 percent of that total is attributable to toilet paper, according to the latest issue of World Watch magazine. Sadly, around 50% of these trees come from virgin forests and old growth specimens that are hundreds of years old or even older.

Meanwhile, growing populations, adoption of Western lifestyles, and sanitation improvements in developing countries are driving the increased use of toilet paper,” the magazine added. “The result is that forests in both the global North and South are under assault by paper companies competing to fill consumer demand.”

According to Noelle Robbins, author of a Worldwatch Institute news release, the steadily increasing demand for toilet paper in developing countries accompanies by the increasing pressure to reduce and discontinue the use of old growth forests, the move is on to tree plantations is a critical factor in the impact that toilet paper manufacturers have on forests around the world. When speaking of tree plantations, Robbins states, “this cure could be worse than the disease.”

Often touted as a solution to providing an ongoing supply of virgin pulp and fiber, the monocultures of tree plantations create other issues such as displacement of indigenous plant and animal life. They also require immense amounts of fertilizers, chemical pesticides, and soak up copious amounts of water.

While some companies rely on virgin pulp and fiber to create their potty paper, other companies are turning to recycled paper in order to create theirs. Recycling paper to create toilet paper uses less water and makes use of the paper that fills our landfills, an estimated 35-40 percent of the TOTAL landfilled mass in U.S. dumps and landfills!

“Toilet tissue, whether manufactured from virgin pulp or recycled paper, will continue to be an important part of daily life in Western countries and in developing countries emphasizing improved sanitation to mitigate health concerns,” Robbins said.

“Education of consumers; improvements in quality, pricing, and marketing recycled products; and willingness to consider toilet paper alternatives such as water for cleansing must be pursued to meet the needs of a growing global population.”

So, what can you do to improve your sustainability?

Unless you want to install a bidet shower in your bathroom (I personally think it would be pretty cool!), recycled TP or bamboo TP are two options to help lower the true costs and effects of using toilet paper. Both of these fabulous forest friendly options can be found from a company cleverly named Who Gives A Crap.

There is a common misconception when it comes to recycled or bamboo paper thinking they are inferior products when it comes to roughness and cleaning. I personally use bamboo toilet paper and tissues from Who Gives A Crap and couldn’t be more pleased! Not to mention their pricing! You can get 48 rolls of 3-ply 100% bamboo toilet paper for $52.00 – only $1.08/roll!. Or you can get 48 rolls of 3-ply toilet paper made from 100% recycled paper for $48.00 – GASP $1.00/roll!! What’s more? These JUMBO ROLLS have 400 sheets per roll!!

They also make forest friendly, 100% bamboo 3-ply tissues 12 boxes for $16.00 and forest friendly 2-ply paper towels made with a blend of bamboo and sugarcane (I stopped using paper towels in my house all together – I’ll save that discussion is for another day.) All purchases over $25.00 include FREE shipping in the U.S.!! Not only do they offer rad forest friendly paper items, they also donate 50% of their profits help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing worlds. Look, those are not numbers to turn your cheek at (pun intended). Want to give Who Gives a Crap a wipe? Click here for $10.00 off** your first purchase!

On a side note, could you imagine working for this company and someone asking you who you work for? You reply, “who gives a crap” and they think you are being silly? HAHA!

**$10.00 off is only available to those who haven’t purchased before and spend a minimum purchase of $48. Offer Expires Apr 04, 2019

The Worldwatch Institute is a Washington, D.C.-based independent research organization that provides fact-based analysis of critical global issues. The Institute’s three main program areas include Climate & Energy, Food & Agriculture, and the Green Economy. Read the article “Flushing Forests”