Meghan Markle Stuns Prince Harry with a Passionate Public Kiss, Leaving Onlookers Speechless

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shared an intimate moment during their last day in Colombia by dancing together and sharing a passionate kiss

It was the Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥 who initiated the “tender” gesture” which in turn was well-received by her husband, according to a body language expert.

Harry and Meghan attended the kick-off of the Petronio Alvarez Pacific Music Festival in Cali. The annual festival is the world’s biggest celebration and display of Afro-Colombian music in the world.

The couple packed on the PDA throughout their quasi-royal tour of the South American country and their last day in Cali was no different.

The vibrant city is most famous for its dancing and street parties, particularly for rumba and salsa, and the Sus𝑠e𝑥 couple were snapped shaking it off to the tunes before sharing a passionate kiss.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shared an intimate moment in Colombia (Image: Sus𝑠e𝑥.com)


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle dance to salsa (Image: Sus𝑠e𝑥.com)

Body language expert Judi James analysed the moment and told the Mirror: “Meghan has seized this tour as an opportunity to create a strong body language narrative of her love affair with her husband.

“The couple have always been famously tactile but Meghan’s rituals on this trip have produced some of her most affectionate displays to date.

“Harry has reciprocated with his head kiss, but it’s his salsa dad-dance that seems to have prompted Meghan into planting an actual lip kiss in front of the eyes of the world.”

The expert noted this time the kiss was different as it was the Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥 who initiated the move.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend the Petronio Alvarez Pacific Music Festival (Image: Sus𝑠e𝑥.com)
The Duke and Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥 wrapped up their Colombia tour (Image: Sus𝑠e𝑥.com)

She explained: “We’ve seen them lock lips before on their wedding day but that was the traditional assertive groom/passive bride type of kiss.

“But here it’s clearly and emphatically Meghan moving in to press her lips on Harry’s, placing her hands around his face first in a tender gesture that also gently clamps the head to ensure a smooth docking and leaning in for a very quick but loving meeting of the lips.”

Ms James continued: “It looks like a reward and thank you signal after their dance and Harry does reciprocate by placing his hands onto his wife’s upper arms as he receives the kiss.

“But it looks like a spontaneous gesture that caught him slightly by surprise although he is clearly happy to have been on the receiving end.”